Imperial Masterpiece
I would let it gain strength rather than to keep it teetering between health and lack of health.
At first I was concerned with the colour, but having a hemlock that turns golden for Winter
I had to look up Zundert mugo...
Quote from Coenosium Gardens "This selection has an exceptionally bright gold winter color and distinctively long needles. Its mature shape is much lower and denser than a typical v. pumilio."
Still let the solar panels as Vance referred to them as, benefit the tree, more,
before a cut back, or before working the roots hard. You suggest...
Even if it wasn't a dwarf, but especially so being a dwarf to semi-dwarf.
If you absolutely have to do more than wiring it this year, up-potting it to the next size pot in a slip pot fashion
without disturbing the roots might be ok, but I wouldn't myself if it's draining freely, or when you potted it up last time
you had a fit that wasn't restricted.
At first I was concerned with the colour, but having a hemlock that turns golden for Winter
I had to look up Zundert mugo...
Quote from Coenosium Gardens "This selection has an exceptionally bright gold winter color and distinctively long needles. Its mature shape is much lower and denser than a typical v. pumilio."
Still let the solar panels as Vance referred to them as, benefit the tree, more,
before a cut back, or before working the roots hard. You suggest...
I would suggest to wire it again at most to stay off the teeter totter, then Anderson flat only next Summer.Upcoming events if all goes well appear to be a hard cut down and possibly a repot in an Anderson flat
Even if it wasn't a dwarf, but especially so being a dwarf to semi-dwarf.
If you absolutely have to do more than wiring it this year, up-potting it to the next size pot in a slip pot fashion
without disturbing the roots might be ok, but I wouldn't myself if it's draining freely, or when you potted it up last time
you had a fit that wasn't restricted.