Loblolly Pine Pinus taeda

Thanks for the book, I'm not going to print it off just yet :)
I think that is weird about the watering. The part of Oklahoma that they grow naturally in gets about twice the water we get here in OKC. I could very well be over watering, the needles at the apex of a few of mine turned brown.
Maybe i didn't write that clearly, they love water. If your soil is good you shouldn't be over watering. Different genotypes will appreciate different conditions. That's why I collected my seedlings from a pond. The article (and others like it) mention that one year old seedlings can be conditioned in there first growing season to handle flooding and some amount of drought. One more plus side of pine from seed.
Yeah I believe the water thing for sure. Mine is still in the clay/sand mix it was potted in, and backfilled with DE for stability as it was a little wobbly.

Everyday I just fill it to the brim with water until the DE is in a puddle and it's been pushing like crazy.

I've tried to add more and more bend to it, but I couldn't really get the bottom to bend more without fear of snapping it lol I believe I will try to air layer next spring. Right above that lowest branch you see here. And then try a major bend technique on that lower trunk.


The section above this area has a nice curve to it along with a potential jin in that area I snapped to begin with. I think it'll be a good start of a tree of I can get it to layer.


Any suggestions on which time of year it would be best to start the air layer?
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air layering pines is tricky, never able to do it myself. I would imagine because of their continuous growth that late spring or early summer is as good a time as any but it's just my best guess
@Johnathan check this out https://www.amazon.com/Experimental...536270626&sr=8-17&keywords=loblolly+pine+book you might be able to read this book online for free if you search. Apparently air layering loblolly is extremely well documented. Might buy this if I get a hold of an older specimen
I was actually about to show you guys this:


I downloaded it for free, its a little more scientific than my brain can process, but I'm pretty sure it says that the younger the tree the better the chance lol. Here is a quick insert I grabbed from it::

The procedure was modified to include the use of a bamboo splint along the stem to prevent breakage by wind. Also, the air-layer was covered with aluminum foil to reflect the rays of the sun thereby reducing the build up of heat within. Indolebutyric acid in talc, at a concentration 8,000 p.p.m., was applied to the upper portion of the girdle. All layers were made on the current years growth,....

Not sure where to get that kinda hormone from, or even if it is a hormone lol I just grow trees. Not sure of the girdle method either, it scares the crap out of me to be honest. One of the first trees that I ever wired was a blue spruce and I left the wire on to long, still have nightmares of how painful it must be to have that wire biting in like that.
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@Johnathan you are correct, looks like after 4/5 years old you're really risking failure and it seems after 7 years it's not a possibility. Interesting but... who would air layer a 2 year old pine?
@Johnathan you are correct, looks like after 4/5 years old you're really risking failure and it seems after 7 years it's not a possibility. Interesting but... who would air layer a 2 year old pine?

There is a guy on youtube, Chip Douglas, he had a video of layering JBP.... I'm not sure what works and what doesn't I think I am just going to wait until spring and right as the tree is starting to wake up start an air layer then. I probably will NOT use the girdle, just rubbing alcohol, moss, hormone from the depot and foil for cover. Also, not air tight either, a little small hole for air works best I think, but I've also only done 1 layer before lol
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