Imperial Masterpiece
If you think the contest is not beneficial to you, then why post your negative comment on someone's contest thread?lnitially I thought that the concept of the contest was iffy, and now I am certain that it is not really beneficial to the process of creating an azalea bonsai. Basically using nursery stock is a very difficult way to begin. I have found that satsuki pre bonsai in the US are extremely rare and are seldom pruned at a level similar to, e.g. black pines at a pre-bonsai nursery, thus most are "raw stock". Looking at the photos, if you can achieve something with a definitive shape and healthy growth at the 5 year mark, I would count it as a success notwithstanding the contest situation.
The contest is not specific to 'Satsuki' its open to all azaleas. The contest is not meant to create a masterpiece at the 5yr mark. It was set up to help those that use nursery stock and want to train said nursery stock into bonsai.
It's obvious you don't know anything about azaleas........5yrs of training can mean night and day for this species. I question if you know anything about bonsai based on your post.