Ligustrum dying


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Hi, I have a problem with my bonsai: the leaves are getting dry, crispy, dark green and then dropping. I keep it indoors, no direct sunlight and I water it when the soil gets dry.
This started happening about 3 weeks ago which made me think there's a problem with the roots so I checked the roots and they seemed to be rotted so I remove the rotted parts, I used some root grow powder and then I changed the soil.

Here are some pictures:
It needs to be outdoors.
Place it outdoors in a semi shady location while it tries to recover, and do not water until the soil is feeling dryish. Put a wooden skewer down into the soil and check it every day. Only water when the soil is drying out. This specie is pretty tough, but if the rot was bad it may not recover. All you can do is hope, and know that if it does, you'll have to keep this plant outside. It is not a plant that can live inside.
welcome to the forum!
Place it outdoors in a semi shady location while it tries to recover, and do not water until the soil is feeling dryish. Put a wooden skewer down into the soil and check it every day. Only water when the soil is drying out. This specie is pretty tough, but if the rot was bad it may not recover. All you can do is hope, and know that if it does, you'll have to keep this plant outside. It is not a plant that can live inside.
welcome to the forum!

There are 16 degrees celcius outside and it's raining I hope it won't do something much worse than it already is.
Just wondering why you are concerned about the temps?
And as far as rain, there are a couple things you can do. Tip the pot to the side with a rock or stick or something, (make sure it's not wiggly) that will help it to drain in wet weather. You can also place it under an overhang so it doesn't get too wet for too long. It's not like you don't want to get it wet, you just don't want it to STAY wet all the time, esp. if it has root problems.
Ligustrum are very hardy. IF this is still alive and you put it outside, it should bounce back quick.

They love full sun (and I am in TX). Under shade they seem to attract or at least get attacked by insects (like scales) so much more.

Re: temps...16*C is 60*F...perfect for growth!!! I leave my ligustrum outside even during winter. We do have mild winter but have several 20*F (-6*C) and they seem to handle it fine.

Good luck!
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