Now you have the gears spinning. I'll have to go out and look with a new perspective now.
Starting to look a little like my tattoo! Hmmm something to consider.
If you're wondering yes it is a Naka drawing that was in BT. When I asked if I could use it he said I was crazy but go ahead- at least the tree would live as long as me I did. He was a funny guy.
Said it was rough!!!
I accept the challenge!!! Here's a different design based on the descending primary branch.
For what it is worth...
The designs that are currently being thrown around
in my opinion do not interact enough with the trunk...
There is too much space between the foliage pads and
the trunk, which gives a feeling of the foliage being
an after thought.... which in a way, I guess it kinda is ???
Personal opinion... it needs to really be brought back in
tighter against the trunk, and more compact. The branch
that was removed and now a jin, is competing with your
lower right branch, it is on the same plane, too perfectly
parallel... and in essence more than likely now should just
be removed all together if you are going to place your
bottom branch in the same location.
You have a very curvy trunk, with all proposed
straight branches...
Lastly... the easiest way to make a tall tree seem smaller is by
breaking up the trunk with foliage. What this does is it prevents
the viewers eye from traveling and following the trunk all the
way up the tree.
Great sketches- 3 is kind of like what I had in mind except for a rounder crown and more foliage. I think the trunk is a little too thick for a true bunjin.
Too skinny and lacks taper to be anything but a bunjin in my opinion
It doesn't really have the quietness of character- I know that doesn't explain but that's the best way I can think of putting it now, to be a good bunjin. Sure I could style it to look like a bunjin but it wouldn't feel right , to me anyhow. It may even end up looking like one but I don't ever see me thinking it was one.
It's not the best material in the world but there's a decent tree in there- just not a bunjin.
I think most would agree that a really good bunjin is a rare thing- especially in the US. Don't mean to rattle any cages or start a war here this is just my personal opinion.
Starting this post has been interesting. I had a pretty good idea where I was going take the tree but I thought it could be fun to see what the rest of you thought. It has made me think of several alternatives to my original idea which doesn't happen often. Now I'm going through some different possibilities and may very well do something different. I won't try to duplicate the tattoo though!
I'm going to make some decisions and I'll post some pics of the process.
i agree that it doesn't have that "feeling" either. But does it ever in the pre-bonsai form? It is still very raw and has soo much going on. Until its simplified I dont think you will witness its "quietness of character"
For me I usually know right away when I see a tree that I would consider a true bunjin. Even as raw stock. Not that I don't make and sell trees in the bunjin style. The style and the essence of the style are two different things. You made this comment earlier- Too skinny and lacks taper to be anything but a bunjin in my opinion
Yes those are two characteristics of bunjin trees but they don't make a tree a bunjin. The standard solution for tall thin trees is to try to make them look like a literati styled trees. I think thats a mistake. Tall thin trees can be styled in any style that suits that particular tree not just a couple of tufts of foliage and a curvy trunk. For me true literati trees invoke a deep but subtle feeling of peace , quietness wonder of nature and have a simple elegance. They also should have no signs of mans intervention even though there surely was. I've made literally hundreds of bunjin style trees and maybe 2-3 true bunjins. Again this is just my opinion- it work for me but may not for anyone else and thats ok.
So just for the sake of argument you feel that a better miyogi can be made out of this material than a bunjin? I never said this will make a great bunjin I simply said that given the characteristics that it has that is your BEST option, not your ONLY option. I would rather make a decent bunjin than a mediocre slant, informal upright, cascade, or whatever other style you can think of. Just my opinion as well.