Leaning Juniper Progression

Planning to repot this tree this week - I just need to find a suitable pot. I'm thinking a deep-ish square for now maybe . . . Any input?
I ended up with it in this oversized round pot for a few reasons:

1. Oversized, because I want it to grow vigorously - especially since I still plan to do some Grafting.
2. Round, because the front is still in flux by a few degrees, and this lets me easily compare and contemplate different angles.
3. This particular one because there is a chip in the rim at the back, so I got it for a very reasonable price ;)

I did the repot at California Bonsai Studio so that Travis could help me test out a bunch of different pot options. I really liked the way it looked in a drum, so that may be a future option . . .
Awesome work as always colin......
I think a round pot actually suits this tree... it just needs to be a bit smaller;). Good job on the styling and re-pot.
Much appreciated. I agree about the round pot; I was surprised by how much I liked it in a drum about 2/3 the size of this "grow pot".
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