Most of what I learned about BC collecting is from Gary Marchal. Collecting bald cypress is like making really big cuttings. I do most of the root work right after collection as long as I get a good "root ball". Realize that sometimes there are multiple "bases" going on from varying water levels over the years. I pick my future soil level, clean down to that and then cut the bottom roots up to a level to something reasonable. If there is low growth- branches- I will leave them even if I am not going to keep them as they usually have dormant buds ready to go. All cuts are cleaned with a sharp knife. Gary used haydite and pine bark. I'll use old bonsai soil, perlite, pine bark or mulch/soil conditioner, whatever I have handy. Basically I want it to stay moist but still drain okay/ I plant in tubs or if the base is too big I'll make a planter out of poly, a tarp and cinder block or landscape timber walls. A small "pond" if you will. I cover several inches over the intended soil line. They seem to do equally well with and without a lot of drainage holes.I am going to attempt something very similar next February-March before bud break. The trees will be similar in height but slightly bigger base. They are now growing in a pond.
Any advice to improve the chance of survival of such BCs is appreciated. The trees will practically be once in a lifetime chance for me.
Anything I collect gets watered in with liquid kelp, Karma, rhizotonic, cannazyme or whatever hydro stress/rooting type solutions I am currently into. I keep the soil evenly moist, I spray the trunk thoroughly at least daily (again, think cuttings) If I get a cold snap I will cover with black plastic and drop cloths for extra heat on the trunk. The monster above was fine through a week plus of sub zero temps right after collecting. Sunlight seems to drive those bud pops. I notice that the sides in the sun's path bud better than those not. I let things grow freely for the first year. If growing like gangbusters I will thin, as we've already been talking about. I will fertilize weekly or so with kelp, Miracle Gro, goat manure teas...