Once again...Potty has the right flush!
What are we working towards in another manner? Without grafts and blah blah....
That knob up there is going to be ugly in its own. Tiny boink. Sure you can hide it, but for what? A thick straight trunk that will always be a hideous err of a formal upright pine?
This is no longer a Japanese tree...
Enter WP....
Make ugly uglier!
The top isn't "ugly" it's hideous, working to it
Isn't making ugly uglier IMO. Hideous and Ugly are different.
I commend you for not cutting that branch off yet.....
And Potty for The best advice....
That branch is a bit more the "Ugly," you can make uglier, since it is not pretending to be something its not.
It may take a little work, but you already have a plan says your ready for it. Pulling it down, hiding it, ....grafting some closer branches to it?
Can't see the surface roots, but the basal flare alone is interesting, which is both good and bad, because its nice enough that it ADDS to the hideous of a weak upright, in that it hints to that strong, healthy perfection.
It is also good enough to make a serious graft project with.
But personally, I'd work on Just that one branch too.
If I kept it though.
Where is your "bar"?
I want to build a collection of stuff that people I respect, like Jim Doyle, would want for themselves, not relinquish to a "demo tree".
I want to work on a wicked dope collected piece from THG. From anywhere.
So this would be for "practice" for me, with a side effort of that interesting one branch joint till it gets stack ranked .
My bar.....when Walter comes to THG and finds 2 trees so dope he goes thru a hassle to send one back to Germany......
I want the other one.
Knowing your personal Bar makes these decisions easier to make!
Sounds like I'd trade this to make space for a dope Thuja! More Larch?
Network with friends to find a dude with a greenhouse and mad JBP grafting skills who has a dope thuja to trade?
How to simply Add the most value to your entire collection using this tree?
That's my new favorite question....!
If we start thinking in terms of our big picture, our space, our entire collection, and how to make it better in total...we will witness faster success!
Sorry for bombing your thread!
Racing a lot of thoughts out before I return to 9-5ing.....or not!