Juniperus chinensis blue alps


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I'd like to show my first styling.
It is success, failure, or something between? From small bush to this.
At least, I like it. I removed a lot of foliage, but didn't remove any roots. It had a lot of roots, so decided to choose a big pot because I didn't wanted to stress it too much.
Around how long I should keep it wired?

juniperus chinensis blue alps 1.jpg
I believe it is safer to remove more roots than foilage with these.

I've never had a problem 75/25.

Never had something live 25/75.

I think the largest problem is, without foliage to support, most the roots in that large pot will die, leaving what you thought was a good place for all those roots, a rough place for few. Then watering becomes challenging blah blah blah.

I'd leave it now, but for next time.

looks good but @sorce mentioned hopefully theres enough on top to support underneath. i have a green sea or green gem j. chinesis and worked the roots hard but only removed about 25% up top until it recovers in new pot a bit, and even then i will wait for hard pruning until next season. good looking design by you though and it could be fine
Thank you both for the feedback. I think I've pruned around 60% of foliage. Lesson learned. I think I see if it lived or died during the next month. Now everything looks good.
I'm going to be careful with watering and make sure I don't over water it. My plan is let it stay in that pot without fertilizer and keep it relatively dry.. Spray some water on foliage in regular basis. Any ideas welcome. I'll try to keep this thread updated whatever happened.
Thank you both for the feedback. I think I've pruned around 60% of foliage. Lesson learned. I think I see if it lived or died during the next month. Now everything looks good.
I'm going to be careful with watering and make sure I don't over water it. My plan is let it stay in that pot without fertilizer and keep it relatively dry.. Spray some water on foliage in regular basis. Any ideas welcome. I'll try to keep this thread updated whatever happened.
good call they dont like being too wet. i remeber i did an every other day for it or every 3 days during hottest times, almost like a pine

bad shot of mine, trunk line and taper from a different angle is decent.

good luck w yours

Long time no see. It has been over a month now. I'll do a little update to show what has been happening during the last month with my first tree.
I was quite skeptical whether it would grow or not. Finally I'm pretty happy to say we have seen some new growth. Because of the new growth, I decided to feed with two chunks of biogold fertilizer. I'm thinking of continuing to use biogold the whole summer.
I'm using "or brun terreau bonsai" soil. Spray with water everyday, let it be really dry between waterings. I've been giving seaweed extract with water. I think it helps tree to tolerate stress which I caused by excessive pruning and repotting. Sun around five hours in a day.

I'm thinking of keeping it in that pot for at least one year and after that consider a bit nicer ceramic pot. It is really difficult to choose what kind of pot... I will need advice! Also with pruning, someday...

Your tree looks excellent!! Have you considered pruning it or bent it? I'm curious to know how long it has been in that same container.

Thanks @Juzzi77 . It was kept in nursery container (large) for a year then I did first repot 2 mos ago with minor pruning

I hung some weight on a couple branches early on too

My tree almost doubled it's size last summer. Growth was surprisingly strong.
At the moment it is under the snow pile. Few branches are visible and in a really cold location. Winter in Finland get's extreme.
How low temperatures can it withstand in the pot? It has now been around - 10 degrees celsius. It can be as low as -25 degrees of celsius in next month. I wonder should I just leave it there or move to the cold storage room? I'm pretty sure it's now frozen solid.
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