OK this is a problem with using the same terminology for different techniques as it can become confusing.
As I was learning, the term "cutting candles" was referring to removing the entire candle from the stem.
We only do this with JBP and JRP, it is not done on scots or other single flush pines.
Bjorn actually states this at 2:30 and at 3:10 in the video.
Yes he is actually "cutting" the candle but he is cutting it in half, not the entire candle.
People that taught me generally referred to this as "pinching" as we usually used our fingers to pinch back the shoot rather than cut with a candle which he shows at 10:00
I find pinching to be faster and easier as there is less chance of cutting the new extending needles
At 5:40 he shows exactly what he is doing and it is "pruning back" the existing candles., not completely removing them except in areas he wants to reduce the density of shoots.
In any case, it is going to be a very long time before you are going to need to worry about this as your pine will need many years of growing before they are ready for this technique