Jerry Meislik's Ficus mine.

I would have given almost anything for even a cutting from one of Jerry's trees. He was a hero and a friend for almost 30 years. He was solely responsible for keeping me in bonsai at one point in time at the very beginning. He was a great artist but most of all a great person.
I would have given almost anything for even a cutting from one of Jerry's trees. He was a hero and a friend for almost 30 years. He was solely responsible for keeping me in bonsai at one point in time at the very beginning. He was a great artist but most of all a great person.
... you don't own any of his material? 🤔 I thought you had.

I don't tend to do cuttings... but, since you are a good friend. Remind me when the tree's go outside...and I'll think to let something grow out on this one. Try for a cutting...
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