It is my understanding that "Roots 2" has merely been replaced by Roots with iron. In any circumstance availability of the product can be found on their
<<<Product Overview of Dry Roots 2 Fertilizer
By Howard “Zef” Double, KCMGA
Dry Roots 2 is a blend of natural nutrients that are derived from sea kelp, alfalfa meal, peat humus, poultry manure, iron sulfate, vitamins B1, C, E, myoinositol, glycine. It has a low salt content and is free of pathogens.
Applications for Dry Roots 2 are gardens\flowerbeds, bulbs, trees\shrubs\containers, potting\seed starting, sod and newly seeded lawns, stressed lawns.
Benefits for using Dry Roots 2 are increased root biomass, increased root length, increased plant height, earlier flowering, increased flowering, and increased fruit production.
Roots products have been tested at institutions such as Yale University, Fairfield University, Stamford University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and Virginia State University.>>>
I also was unable to acquire said product in the application of Persiano's Feeding Regimen. I found something readily available and comparable and have used it with
great success. I use Maxicrop. What I especially like about their fish fertiliser is the "no smell", I include in my fert cakes as well.
Fertilisers are surrounded by a certain aura of mystery, this does not have to be so. As most sites have their product ingredients listed it is easy IMHO to find alternative, as brand A is just as good as brand B. To wit: Walter buys whatever is on sale...
PS: Sorry for the hijack Graydon.