Dirty Nails
I have a JBP in my garden and there are a couple of places ready for an air layering. This is my first time air layering and I don't want to screw it up. I've read some articles about it but mine seems larger than any others I have seen online. If they work they will have good trunks
(2" +/-) and low branches. Should I cut off the loooong center growth from the whorl before air layering? Here is what I have, please correct me or straighten me out if needed.
Clear girddle area of needles
Cut off all new growth on top of candles.
Cut ring size of branch. Deep but not too deep which I am unclear on.
Cut 6 vertical slits through the cut ring.
Wrap nursery pot around ring, wire close and pack with wet moss.
Keep moist but not soaking until fall and there will be roots.
Thank you for you kind guidance
Pic 1 air layer site of 2
Pic 2 whole branch with looong node.
Pic 3 air layer site of 4 (look at the nice bend already in place above the to be "trunk"
Pic 4 whole branch
(2" +/-) and low branches. Should I cut off the loooong center growth from the whorl before air layering? Here is what I have, please correct me or straighten me out if needed.
Clear girddle area of needles
Cut off all new growth on top of candles.
Cut ring size of branch. Deep but not too deep which I am unclear on.
Cut 6 vertical slits through the cut ring.
Wrap nursery pot around ring, wire close and pack with wet moss.
Keep moist but not soaking until fall and there will be roots.
Thank you for you kind guidance
Pic 1 air layer site of 2
Pic 2 whole branch with looong node.
Pic 3 air layer site of 4 (look at the nice bend already in place above the to be "trunk"
Pic 4 whole branch
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