Bonsai Nut
Nuttier than your average Nut
I had to be gone for 10 days and this is what I saw when we returned yesterday. God decided to help with culling and training. We got some hail last Tuesday evening (small tornado about 1/2 mile away). Roof is destroyed, cars look like golf balls.
My poor trees don't look so hot. I think about 1/4 are just dead. Another 1/4 have all needles gone or "trimmed" to 1/2" or shorter. I didn't have the heart to sort through them all yet.
There are still plenty to work with, and some character development has been started.
Don't repot or do anything drastic. You may be surprised to see tons of new growth where you thought all hope was lost. When wiring my seedlings this spring, there were a couple that broke or were otherwise damaged in the process. One that completely lost its central candle has since budded out with five new candles.