James W 6yr JBP Contest entry

I had to be gone for 10 days and this is what I saw when we returned yesterday. God decided to help with culling and training. We got some hail last Tuesday evening (small tornado about 1/2 mile away). Roof is destroyed, cars look like golf balls.
My poor trees don't look so hot. I think about 1/4 are just dead. Another 1/4 have all needles gone or "trimmed" to 1/2" or shorter. I didn't have the heart to sort through them all yet.
There are still plenty to work with, and some character development has been started.

Don't repot or do anything drastic. You may be surprised to see tons of new growth where you thought all hope was lost. When wiring my seedlings this spring, there were a couple that broke or were otherwise damaged in the process. One that completely lost its central candle has since budded out with five new candles.
Don't repot or do anything drastic. You may be surprised to see tons of new growth where you thought all hope was lost. When wiring my seedlings this spring, there were a couple that broke or were otherwise damaged in the process. One that completely lost its central candle has since budded out with five new candles.
Yep. Right now it is a waiting game.
You lost quite a few since last June? What happend?
Apparently the hail did more damage than was obvious. The bruised needles were susceptible to needle blight. I treated it and the stronger trees did OK, but anything that was struggling just never recovered after that.
Apparently the hail did more damage than was obvious. The bruised needles were susceptible to needle blight. I treated it and the stronger trees did OK, but anything that was struggling just never recovered after that.
That is to bad. Can't you provide shelter in case?
Some in tree pots are looking good. These are planned to be become ROR in February.
For whatever reason they survived my summer better than the rest. (12 out of 20 as opposed to 21 out of 85)
DSC_0003 (10).JPGDSC_0006 (5).JPG
4 ROR survived the winter and look good.
6 ROR done this spring looking good so far
20 in RootMaker pots survived the winter (one tree apparently was in a bad spot and received no water).
Pictures of the 20 and a few details:
Last winter killed all my ROR, protected and mulched.
JBP sitting on the ground were unscathed.
Survivors were potted up into large pots and grew well over the summer. All of these have some low branches and buds so I am letting the tops grow as sacrifices.
Great project trees, James! Looking forward to see what these do for you in the coming years. Sorry about that 5 bucks I still owe you...I haven't forgotten. I don't make many club meetings during deer season.
9 still alive. I did nothing this year except trim the sacrifices a bit to let light in to the lowest branches. Most grew well and need to be potted up next spring.
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