Is my juniper okay?


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Sydney, Australia
I have had this bonsai for a few weeks now and have noticed some yellow/white discolouration on some of the needles.
  • I have been leaving it outside where it gets sun for half the day (brought it inside to inspect the tree hence the photo's being indoors)
    • however, this has been on the floor and I have read that this might not be the best in terms of pests but I currently don't have something to place it on
  • and I have been feeling the soil and watering accordingly
Should I be worried about this yellow/white discolouration and if so what is the cause and what should be done to solve this issue.

Thanks a lot,

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A couple little leaves/ branchlets like that aren't a big cause for concern. Overall, the tree looks healthy and happy with good growth and good color. You are doing fine, good job! Glad we don't have to tell you its not an indoor houseplant!
A couple little leaves/ branchlets like that aren't a big cause for concern. Overall, the tree looks healthy and happy with good growth and good color. You are doing fine, good job! Glad we don't have to tell you its not an indoor houseplant!
Phew! I got to say I was worried as I'm so new, thanks a lot for the response.
You'll probably lose those affected parts, but they're not major.

Not sure what caused them to discolor. Could've been handling damage from prior to your acquiring it, damage from wiring, or a watering issue.

When watering, make sure to thoroughly cover the entire surface. If a pocket of roots happens to get to-o-o dry, the branches that that section of roots feeds will die off I believe.

If you see more and more discoloration throughout the tree, let us know!
You'll probably lose those affected parts, but they're not major.

Not sure what caused them to discolor. Could've been handling damage from prior to your acquiring it, damage from wiring, or a watering issue.

When watering, make sure to thoroughly cover the entire surface. If a pocket of roots happens to get to-o-o dry, the branches that that section of roots feeds will die off I believe.

If you see more and more discoloration throughout the tree, let us know!

Good to know! Thanks for stepping me through this, I will definitely touch back if the situation worsens. I look forward to taking care of the tree and more involvement with bonsai in the future! Thanks a lot!
Looks like it has scale. If the branches with the white dots are sticky, those white dots are likely scale insects, which you will need to treat. Otherwise, it looks ok.
Always have a second look at branches that start to die. There's usually a cause and that could spread further. Scale is one possible cause for yellowing juniper. Mites are another. For both you will need a magnifying glass or some idea of the telltale signs other than dying foliage. If left untreated they will affect more and more of the tree.
Lack of light also causes dieback of juniper and will continue to take foliage if not rectified..
Best to rule out any possible causes before deciding there's no cause for concern.

Welcome to Crazy!

I was thinking the beginning stages of an infestation.

The ground and up on something both have benefits and downfalls.

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