I've got a recently-operated-on tree that's not taking the quick cold-snap here very well, the cold/wind has me worried about its surviving w/o real damage (or at all) and, with tonight being the last night before it warms back up, I'm intending to take it into my small screened-patio, seat it on a couple feet of concrete/ceramic tiles/etc, and make a similar 'stand' in between the tree and the screen to act as a 'heat buffer' between that screen and the tree (I'd have the tree as far from the screen as possible, and probably position the heater ~3 or 4' away from the tree)
Is this safe? I'm pretty sure it is but, given how much is at stake in a fire, I wanted to run it by others! The heating pad is the most basic, generic type, like you'd use for a sore lower-back, it's a Conair "Standard 11.5"x13.5 Heating Pad", just an on/off button and LED power-indicator light, and an ungrounded power-cable. I'm 99% sure it's fine but hoping to hear from others who've done this!
Is this safe? I'm pretty sure it is but, given how much is at stake in a fire, I wanted to run it by others! The heating pad is the most basic, generic type, like you'd use for a sore lower-back, it's a Conair "Standard 11.5"x13.5 Heating Pad", just an on/off button and LED power-indicator light, and an ungrounded power-cable. I'm 99% sure it's fine but hoping to hear from others who've done this!