NYC area, we've had a few thunderstorms and that's it going on 6-7 weeks and it's been 90+ for 3 weeks. Most of my plants are in Diatomaceous earth, pumice, lava rock and pine bark. Find myself watering them twice a day, for plants that are in garden soil and perlite roughly how often do u recommend watering? Because Im doing the knuckle test and they're drying fast. I'm watering them once a day and so far every plant is responding well aside from my bougainvillea which I just noticed some leaves are yellowing but the smaller one is flourishing. Bigger one just had an insane amount of blooms.
As for spotted lanternflies it's an invasion in the NY, PA, NJ area. They're like 1" spider mites that pierce the bark of trees and drain them leaving behind a sweet residue that attracts other crap. They're so bad the USDA imported Chinese wasps because they have no natural predators here. Ive had bad luck with Neem oil outside in the past. This time I sprayed 5 trees at night, the next afternoon leaves were singed. I have a pesticide called bifenthrin which reviews have said works but before I proceed wae hoping for feed back. Everyday I kill 30+ and these things jump they're a pain in the ass. My neighbor uses a mix of white vinegar and water, says that works but idk what it'd do to my trees. I have other vegetables and fruits as well so any suggestions greatly appreciated.
As for spotted lanternflies it's an invasion in the NY, PA, NJ area. They're like 1" spider mites that pierce the bark of trees and drain them leaving behind a sweet residue that attracts other crap. They're so bad the USDA imported Chinese wasps because they have no natural predators here. Ive had bad luck with Neem oil outside in the past. This time I sprayed 5 trees at night, the next afternoon leaves were singed. I have a pesticide called bifenthrin which reviews have said works but before I proceed wae hoping for feed back. Everyday I kill 30+ and these things jump they're a pain in the ass. My neighbor uses a mix of white vinegar and water, says that works but idk what it'd do to my trees. I have other vegetables and fruits as well so any suggestions greatly appreciated.