In memoriam.

Do people still do bonsai in memoriam to some one who you have lost in death?
It's not really a regular thing for bonsai, but this is a cedar elm I'm growing. It reminds me of my parents. Collected off their Texas ranch the year my dad died. Work in progress, First pic is right out of the ground (from under an old persimmon tree in their front pasture). Second is refinement growth after growing out the apex for six or seven years. Every time I look at it, I'm reminded of them.


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I have 2 trees my dad bought me as raw material from garden centres. As he passed away 3 years ago they're extremely special because I remember the afternoon out we had together. These are them now..

Actually, my Ryusen maple was planted in the landscape as a memorial tree. Horrifically decimated winter 2013-14. Left with only a stump of a tree still alive. With no branching. With a few buds showing life. To now this...last fall.
Curious of the progress... I've an Instagram post on it.

My Mother was a real green thumb with most any plant, she taught me about adding coffee grounds, egg shells, banana peels, compost...etc to my house plants and garden. Anyway, her favorite flower was a Poinsettia, and she passed away weeks before Christmas last year. I ended up saving the yearly Poinsette my job sends me. It's doing well and I really want it to bloom this year. I need to read up on it more.
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