Imperial Masterpiece
I see people complaining about the bickering and arguments but they themselves do not post on the "legit" bonsai questions, plea for help, and other real bonsai discussions.
Participating on everything is okay...just don't (mostly) participate on the bickering and complain about it. Be part of the solution or shut up! There are lots of people asking for help/input...maybe we should participate on those too?
A tutorial was posted about repotting and got no response while a bickering thread gets 200+? Wow.
Participating on everything is okay...just don't (mostly) participate on the bickering and complain about it. Be part of the solution or shut up! There are lots of people asking for help/input...maybe we should participate on those too?
A tutorial was posted about repotting and got no response while a bickering thread gets 200+? Wow.