Chances are the white tips are from getting too dry between waterings, It can be caused by as little as missing ONE watering when needed. That 3 day weekend trip could have done it.
Yup, one drying out will take a toll on the plant.
One drying out of a newly repotted tree can kill it. #1 reason I suggested the ground
at this time as well as keeping the roots cool in the heat.
Plunging the pot in a bucket of water is a very good way to water your trees too.
I hate using a watering can, yes the one recommended to you has a nice water breaking nozzle, but it is a pain in the bud once you have more than 10 trees to water.
I knew a "local" who watered his bonsai he sold on the side of the road (I bought one) by fully submerging the entire plant
foliage and all in a bucket of water for a couple minutes (till the bubbles stopped rising).
He used chicken grit on top of his soil (crushed granite).
One day I stopped by and asked his wife where he was, he had to stop his business due to the chemicals.
I can only guess one reason there.
As for the watering Leo have many nice trees, and are quite knowledgeable on what makes plants tick.
I believe using a hose should be reserved for those who understand watering quite well, and are not using nozzles
that make it even more difficult. I know myself, watering landscape trees in drought, that it takes an understanding of how many
gallons pass through the nozzle in 60 seconds, and realize how easy it would be to be impatient, and move on to the next tree
gallons before it was time or not come back again and again.
Then there's the spread of the pattern and possible waste using a typical garden hose nozzle with
only the handle as a valve. Gets tricky. Your heft the pot is a huge huge positive way to become intimate with the needs of the
hydration of the tree. Each pot is different weight in my setup, from a couple pond baskets, to wooden grow boxes, nursery cans
plastic training pots, and pottery. I do the soil scratch test when I get home in the afternoon. In the mornings most everything gets
watered unless the previous afternoon was slow too dry. Those trees I have to keep a closer eye on, as usually they have 8822 DE
n them and or shaded.