Hinoki Cypress problems- transplant into ground?


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Western Long Island, NY
So one of my Hinokis seems to be having some problems. I’m getting yellow inner foliage, and some minor brown tops. It was also having a stint with a “soggy trunk” though that seems to have gone away somewhat. This tree is in a bonsai mix, whereas another I have had for similar time period is in nursery mix still is doing great. I have a decent spot I could put the problem tree in the ground to help recuperate. Would this be a good practice? The tree was bare rooted when it was potted into the bonsai mix. 73A7456C-BE53-407B-BDA7-4453E9FBABA0.jpeg48E578D0-2FF4-4567-BF07-A6B56260B2D4.jpeg5052FE17-3597-4BFC-9CF1-6F9969E3B5FA.jpeg
If possible you do not want to disturb the roots of any tree more than once every two years, or even less often. There are exceptions. But not for Hinoki.

I can't tell what is going on with your tree. Some fancy Hinoki cultivars are normally the color you pictured. Most are just green.

Where is the tree growing now? Is it in full sun? Indoors? Outdoors? It should be outdoors.

Better picture of "watery trunk" might help.
In my limited experience with hinoki cypresses, I have learned one very important thing about them: They hate having their roots messed with. The price for this knowledge was two dead trees. I would leave your tree in its current pot. It will either live or it won’t. If you mess with its roots again now, I think you will increase the likelihood of a poor outcome.
Yeah good point about avoiding disturbing the plant. I don’t think this cultivar has the yellow inner foliage but rather the yellow outer foliage with new growth. The lower branches of same tree look more like it should. Also I have another of the same cultivar in a nursery pot with the yellow border of new growth. That plant is doing particularly great and am very excited to see it continue to develops.
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