Hey Judy

What did he charge for the styling? I assume being a professional of his caliber, that the rates are relatively high. The tree looks incredible by the way. Very good structure and it's only going to get better as it re-accumulates new growth to fill it out. Truly jealous. Did you fertilize throughout the growing season during this tree's development? I am always curious as to whether a light dose during summer is a good idea when you really want the tree to thicken up.
1) Decandle in summer. Maybe pull some needles to balance. If the tree needs wiring, right after decandling is a good time.

2) Fall, after needles have hardened off. This is the best time to wire and style, particularly heavy bends. Pull old needles, thin summer candles to two. Perform soji to remove top 3/4 inch of soil off top of pot, and refresh with new soil.

3). Late winter/early spring is the time to repot. Don't repot JBP every year, but this is the time to go it. Balance tree by pulling needles on strong areas.

Those 3 times are when you "mess with it". Of course there's daily watering, fertilizing, checking for pests and so on that are continuously ongoing.

Thanks @Adair M! I'm glad I was thinking along the same lines although you obviously dont repot JBP every year so I thought you where referring to something else and I was missing something :)

I was also reading this trees original thread of @JudyB that has some really good info in it!!
What did he charge for the styling? I assume being a professional of his caliber, that the rates are relatively high. The tree looks incredible by the way. Very good structure and it's only going to get better as it re-accumulates new growth to fill it out. Truly jealous. Did you fertilize throughout the growing season during this tree's development? I am always curious as to whether a light dose during summer is a good idea when you really want the tree to thicken up.

It was in a workshop with 5 other people. I want to say it was $225 per person. I purchased this tree a few years ago and pretty much let it grow freely till it was worked on by Bjorn.
There is a thread on this tree started by JudyB. She is the one I purchased it from. Here is the link:https://bonsainut.com/threads/japanese-black-pine-1-and-only.9075/
I feel very fortunate to have been offered this tree. Thank you @JudyB
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