Help With Sprout


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I have planted a Colorado Blue Spruce, and just the other day it finally sprouted. The soil is nice and damp and the sprout looks very healthy. How long do I wait until I repot it? This will be my first grow, along with two other seeds that seem to be a few days behind the Blue Spruce. (Jacaranda Mimosifolia Brazilian Rosewood & Picea Mariana Black Spruce) Not sure what to do next.
Are you keeping the spruce outside?

If not, you should keep it outside. Spruce don't like to be inside. They'll die there.

I've had good luck repotting conifer seedlings in late winter (late Feb/early March), a little before they wake up from dormancy--trying not to disturb the roots too much, and leaving a little ball of soil around them.

That's worked for me, but maybe someone more knowledgeable will tell you better.
It would be helpful to put in your location and zone. What size pots are they in now? I usually just let them grow out till I see roots. But I have no experience with the species you are growing.
Are you keeping the spruce outside?

If not, you should keep it outside. Spruce don't like to be inside. They'll die there.

I've had good luck repotting conifer seedlings in late winter (late Feb/early March), a little before they wake up from dormancy--trying not to disturb the roots too much, and leaving a little ball of soil around them.

That's worked for me, but maybe someone more knowledgeable will tell you better.
Ive been growing them inside as it is a bit hot out side here where I live, but now the weather has changed so I may place them outside, In one of my pots there is two sprouts now, do you know if one will die should i remove it?
It would be helpful to put in your location and zone. What size pots are they in now? I usually just let them grow out till I see roots. But I have no experience with the species you are growing.
I am in the Dallas Fort Worth area in Texas. My sprouts are growing pretty quickly they are in some growing bags I received with the seeds and soil, inside a small cup. Also there is now two sprouts in one of the pods I have them growing in. Should I remove one? or leave them be? I dont want either one to die.
Leave them be until they get some more wood in their system. Seedlings are frail in the beginning, so it's easy to break things off if you transplant too early.
If you take them apart before the end of next year, they'll be fine.
Photos are great to show a lot of things you have not even thought of asking. 'growing bags could be peat pots or could be root control bags. Different approach for both and different again for other starter methods.
Probably not the best time of year to germinate up there with winter coming on. Depending what we see in the photos I'd probably leave them as is through winter and repot in spring.
The tropicals will probably need to be indoors through winter as they are not very cold hardy.
Trees can be transplanted and root pruned to separate them when required. No immediate need to panic.
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