Help with an Azalea

You mean before it went into quarantine?

No, I boughtfrom a guy who buys them in Japan and deals with all the importing.

The before pic where it is all bushy is my first view of it.

You start at the bottom and work your way up. Cut off any obvious downward growth, eliminate the third branch when there are three branches starting at one point, shorten overly long branches, etc.

Pick a front, generally determined by the nebari, and movement of the trunk. NOT by the placement of the branches. These trees can grow new branches very easily.
Today marks 29 days since I chopped this azalea. I removed every bit of foliage on March 23rd and I have not seen any growth in the last 4 weeks. From some of your previous responses, I expected to have buds everywhere by now but I dont see any green yet. Should I be worried or am I expecting too much too soon?
Mine took like 2 months!!
Check the moisture of the soil often... as it has no leaves it will not be requiring a lot of water, but do not let it rot nor get dry.
Azalea like damp and up here after brutal chops I keep them in filtered sun until they throw new growth. In this thread I show two recent cuts on larger then normal ground grown up here in #5 & 6. I expect to see some activity in 30 days but it "might" take longer. On average I say 30 but with weather variables and the general condition of the plant it certainly could take longer.

I like to think about it like BVF said, satsuki grow then bloom, kurumes like to bloom then grow... so depending on the variety it might be in the "blooming phase"... and waiting to grow like in a month.
(That might be complete BS... maybe Osoyoung could chime in, that dude has done his homework)
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Be Patient.... These are just over a month since drastic cutback... They are chinzans...maybe 3" tall... They did take a little longer to get going than an I anticipated...that said we had a colder March than usual.
I have found that late bloomers respond better(faster and more prolific budding) than earlier bloomers to drastic pruning...

Future rock planting material:)
Thank you all! I was beginning to get worried but I feel much better now. I appreciate everyone's help.
There appears to be 1 very small bud that showed up on Monday. It doesn't seem to have grown any since and I haven't noticed any other buds.
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