HELP! tree dying VERY quickly!

Consider bugs as well. I mean red spider and scale incects.
Is that green stuff a bottle of fertilizer? Are you sure it should hav been applied like that? Feels to me, that might be the culprit. But it could be any of the things mentioned. For now, just make sure you keep doing the same thing, so not trying a new strategy every 3 days. Trees run on cycles that are a lot slower than ours. So responses are slower. And they do not appreciate change.

Dropping leaves on a ficus can be a matter of rotating the plant while it is not fully actively growing..

I would say, this one still have a fight left, and would not toss it away. But yes. Check for very fine webbing & the attached spider mites.
...and scale insects on the branches. I've just got rid of them. Very difficult to notice and fight 'em. In my case they were very small and located only on the branches. Leaves were clean, but started drying, then all the branches..
I don't want to give up on it just yet!

No reason to give up. Looks to me it was just overwatered. Control the watering and do not soak it anymore. Also, I meant to ask if it was moved to a new location perhaps a week or so before leaf drop started...

Hey everyone! Thanks for your help to answer your questions:
1. It has been at this location for the past 6 months and has been doing wonderfully.
2. A friend new to bonsai gave me the dirt...I'll ask where he got it from in case of cat pee or chemicals.
3. I've taken out the has not been used at all in the last 6 months...I put it in a few days ago to try and see if it would help.
4. I actually have seen fine webbing at the very top of my tree for quite some time - maybe a month? I haven't thought anything of it because I occasionally find mini cobwebs in the corners of my home. I inspected it though....I can't see anything? Are they prob the culprit? What should I do?
5. Also, I've had it in that bag for 2 days almost...I'll take it out tomorrow?
6. The tree is located in the sunniest room in my home....but unfortunately the past 4 days have been foggy and snowing, so theres not too much sun right now...which is RIGHT when I need it!!!

Thank you bonsai friends of the internet!! I'm hoping to save me little tree :(
Hey.. Tiny webs = Spider mites = #1 (?) cause of death of ficus in our homes.

Killing them is not easy. Insecticide does not work (As they are spiders, and insecticides normally don't kill them; Or at least, in Germany you need a very specific spray). Keeping tjhe tree in a more moist environment helps reduce their ability to reproduce (Which is why figs in our omes often are infected; It is dry.

It is only a few more weeks till spring.. When temps at night are high enough, place it outside.

If spide mites are the cause, treatment against them should solve it failry easily and the tree willbounce back.
Hey.. Tiny webs = Spider mites = #1 (?) cause of death of ficus in our homes.

Killing them is not easy. Insecticide does not work (As they are spiders, and insecticides normally don't kill them; Or at least, in Germany you need a very specific spray). Keeping tjhe tree in a more moist environment helps reduce their ability to reproduce (Which is why figs in our omes often are infected; It is dry.

It is only a few more weeks till spring.. When temps at night are high enough, place it outside.

If spide mites are the cause, treatment against them should solve it failry easily and the tree willbounce back.

I've got a while until I can place it outside - we just got dumped on today with 6 inches of snow (I live in Utah, USA) :/ Is there anything I can safely treat the bonsai with indoors for spider mites? I've got a little toddler who runs around in the same I can't do anything that is bad to breath in.
...and scale insects on the branches. I've just got rid of them. Very difficult to notice and fight 'em. In my case they were very small and located only on the branches. Leaves were clean, but started drying, then all the branches..
I've noticed little cobwebs about a month ago - but didn't think anything of it...sounds like it might be spider mites? Any recommendations for indoor treatment? It's way too cold outside right now..
Celeste, there's a bunch of insecticides specialized on red spiders in every garden store. They kill the eggs and first moving stages at least.
- remove the plastic bag for a while
- apply insecticide, follow application and safety instructions stated in the product leaflet
- then cover the tree again in plastic bag, it will increase the effect of spraying.
- it's good too open the bag every day to change the air...
- do not forget to re-apply it after some given period, a week or so...
- continue keeping the tree on the dryer side (roots) with higher air humidity. But do not let it dry out completely.
There's still good chance, it's a question of few weeks. This is the way I saved my oldest chinese elm in bad condition... Then I started preventive spraying few times a year.
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I use neem for most scenarios, it takes care of spider mites very easily. It's organic and harmless to people and pets. I spray once every 2 days and mist with water several times a day in between treatments.

I use window cleaner.
Spray it on, let it sit a while, rince it off.
Smothers them.
Should be fine on ficus.
Not good for all plants though.
They probably came in the soil.
Lots of oils and soaps will work.
Many are safe.
Just be sure to rince it off.
I use neem for most scenarios, it takes care of spider mites very easily. It's organic and harmless to people and pets. I spray once every 2 days and mist with water several times a day in between treatments.

went to Home depot :/ they didn't have neem oil. However...I did grab some of this... it says it's for like 4 different types of spider mites...what say ye?
YES I use this product and it works for me. Make sure to use the proper concentration.

They also make Neem Oil (which I also use). I'm surprised they don't have it in stock at Home Depot. I rotate my sprays depending on the season.

Here is their Neem Oil.
By the way - your dormant oil is a wax oil that kills critters by smothering them. Make sure to spray the underside of the leaves. It has a long residual acting period so once you treat your tree it should be good for a while... until new fresh growth that is "untreated". It is a topical insecticide, not a systemic (ie it is not absorbed into the plant to provide longer-term protection).
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