HELP! tree dying VERY quickly!


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I've got a Ficus. I've had it for about 6 months...soaking it every 3 days for 5 -10min. I live in Utah so it's VERY dry here. Anyways 2 days ago I watered as usual...then just added new soil to the TOP of it. And that's all I've done....and all the leaves are dropping, the new growth has stopped and dying...I don't know if I didn't rinse out my kitchen sink well enough and perhaps the dish soap got soaked up into it? I have no idea... I want to save my tree :( please help!! What should I do??

I stuck in a fertizlier into it (from the Bonsai man who sold me the tree).


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You've got a Ficus. An almost dead Ficus. But wait, there's more! You can save it! Why you ask? Because it's a Ficus!

First thing, stop watering it on a schedule. Water it only when the soil is dry. Give the tree some sun, it needs it desperately. Right now it's probably being overwatered which is a big problem because it looks like the roots can rot in that soil. Ficus are very forgiving and you should be able to bring it back by keeping it humid, warm, and evenly wet without overwatering it. Good luck!
Ah yes that's what it was! Ficus. Should I take out the fertilizer? I just stuck it into it as a last resort...
ok so maybe then it's dying since adding the dirt....because a ton of it's roots were visible because I let it erode from soaking it in water too high. Ok so I go stick it in direct sunlight? I've got a window that gets some strong light...really strong. Or should I just put it in a bright room?
Get rid of the "fertilizer", who knows what it actually is. I wouldn't put it in direct light just yet, but put it in a very bright room. Cut off the dead branches and remove the dead leaves. The best way to tell if a branch is dead or not is to gently scratch the bark to reveal the cambium underneath. If it's green, that part of the tree is still alive. If it's not, that part is no longer alive. You should be just fine with removing the dead leaves.
So there were a TON of dead branches...even some major ones :( I think there may be more...but I'm worried about sending it even more into shock :(


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Clip a few of those dead branches and see if there is any green below...meaning alive.

I had one of these once. Unfortunately my tree did not like me moving it around a lot. I also failed to provide enough light and tropical moisture around the tree. I ended up having to prune it way back....and start over.

You might consider creating a tropical environment with a tent over it...with ample light though.

I'd get rid of the fertilizer.
You can save yourself lots of grief by euthanizing this poor shrivled up tree. Gather up your strength and pull if from the pot and place in proper trash receptacle. You will sleep better and the plant will no longer suffer. If you wish to keep doing what you think is bonsai, get a book on tropicals and read it thoroughly and start over after being better prepared.

You made me break my New Years resolution, but I can live with it, your plant can't.
Yeahhhh, that second picture doesn't look too good. I'm not so sure about how it'll recover.
Really....I totally agree with Smoke. Just quietly let go of the will feel better.
So there were a TON of dead branches...even some major ones :( I think there may be more...but I'm worried about sending it even more into shock :(
I stuck in a fertizlier into it (from the Bonsai man who sold me the tree).

No worries Miss....

It is the fault of that Bonsai Man.....
They don't care of you kill your tree or not.

We do.

I wouldn't throw it out yet.....
But the above is only cuz we care more than that Bonsai Man.

The bonsai man, who last week, was selling vacuums, and maybe next week...

This one looks like it's slipped past the point of no return. You could put it in a clear plastic bag in a sunny spot in your house and wait--keeping the soil MOIST, NOT SOGGY--(Constant watering and soggy soil probably what killed, er, um has almost killed the tree).

Overwatering produces the same above ground result in foliage and tissue loss as under-watering, because both kill the tree's root system. Root rot from overwatering kills the root which then can't push water up to the leaves and branches, which is why the top dries out and leaves drop on overwatered trees.
Restraint in watering in the bag and warmth and humidity in that closed environment COULD save it, but at the very least, it will lose most, if not all of its branches and probably significant portions of its trunk and root system. What will be left if new buds start to pop (IF--IF they pop) will most likely require years of regrowth. Not really worth all that trouble...
Don't you trust
That Bonsai Man
Selling half dead trees
From his Bonsai Van

Planted in mud
With advice that is bad
He don't care about you
Such an awful cad

Drive on past
That Bonsai Man
Taking your money
Is his nasty plan
@Celeste above all don't worry and don't give up. For most people killing trees is a big part of learning. Just try to not repeat mistakes. If you are wanting to learn about indoor stuff, read through all of these links. Jerry is a first class guy and does tropicals in Montana...
Drive on past......

Shoot that ass......

See how "lucky" he really is!

One of the tops of the branches still has it's green leaf bud this morning! :) I've never tried the plastic bag method...does it need to go over the entire thing? Does it have to be airtight? Does the bag need to be closer to the branches (aka a smaller bag)? How long should I keep it in said bag?

I just don't get how in 2 can die this was growing new growth like CRAZY and has been doing SO well! I don't want to give up on it just yet!


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So long as that window doesn't get too hot, I'd put it in front of it. It's still got some green, so try to feed it some sun. You just have to be careful not to cook the tree while it's in the bag.
added new soil to the TOP

Any reason to think the soil had been contaminated? Cat Pee? Chemicals?

I don't think it was the sink, I put dish soap foam under my leaves to choke out mites and never had a problem....

I don't know about that bag thing....

I'd take it out.....this is more of a trick for a skilled hand.....we are more likely to just kill a tree in it....mold, fungus, etc.

Especially with such little light...
Does it stay there?

What else happened in this 2 days?
Drastic move? Light change?

I'm starting to think this is just a pretty regular leaf drop.
If your twigs don't snap off....its pro my fine....

And the soil looks good too....if it the same throughout....

I'd set it regular on front of that winder and just let it breathe....

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