Help Needed for Brazilian Raintree Bonsai


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Pittsburgh, PA USA
I recently bought a Brazilian Raintree bonsai at a bonsai show. I took it home and it was doing fine.
I watched the level of water it needs with a toothpick. It was wet so I didn't water it. The next day the leaves were dry and crunchy. I watered it in the morning and put it in the sun.
The leaves are still green, but they are dry and I believe they are dead.
The trunk of the bonsai is green when scratched.
I'm not sure what I need to do to help my bonsai.

Be patient. It might just be pouting after moving to a new location. Both of much me did that when I brought them home, but they both came back. Put it outside (if it's not there already). And once new buds begin to pop, put it in the sun.
The next day the leaves were dry and crunchy. I watered it in the morning and put it in the sun.

@Tavitay1 , the tree is called "rain tree" because it is native of the rain forests from the coastal hills of Brazil.
It is not called "sun tree" though; it likes humidity a lot, but... Not so much sun ( specially if it's hot and dry).
Leave it in the shade until it recovers.
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