Help! I think overwatered!


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Early Christmas gift that appears to be over watered. I’ve already repotted it to a more suitable substrate. Any other advice would be appreciated. I’m really hoping to be able to save this one!


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It will not do well indoors, mostly because of the low light level inside.

Most of the water adsorption occurs in root hairs a few millimeters back of the growing tip. These hairs are the extension of the walls of individual epidermal cells. They must have oxygen to survive, so letting the soil/substrate dry out is the best way of dealing with 'overwatering' (= drowning roots). Everytime you mess with the roots you destroy the hair roots. When the roots say 'ouch' or blow bubbles they produce a messenger hormone that is drawn up to the leaves and causes them to behave like it is fall (i.e., loose their green color and eventually fall off).

Again, the best things you can do are to not water until the substrate feels dry AND get more light to the leaves. Put it in a sunny window and maybe even get some grow lights for it. Photosynthesis produces the energy and material to grow new roots as well as the homone, auxin, that stimulates root growth.
This looks like a tiger bark ficus?? Please confirm.

Please put your location on your profile so we can give you proper advice.

If this is a ficus and you live somewhere where it is cold (below 50 F) right now, then the tree DOES NOT want to be outside

Again assuming this is a ficus, they can often freak out especially when shipped in cold weather and lose their leaves.
It probably would have been best to leave it alone before repotting but its done now.
I keep my ficus inside from mid October until mid June because otherwise its too cold here for them outside.
However, I provide them with lights while they are inside. I use full spectrum bulbs and my ficus grow for me most of the winter.

My advice: Get it some lighting while inside (no a window will not be good enough).
Watch the watering, only water when the tree needs which is when the soil is ALMOST dry, not bone dry.
Do not water on a strict schedule (ie once a day or once week).
Do not fertilize it until it starts to recover. When it starts growing new leaves = it is starting to recover.
Do not prune it
Leave it alone under the lights and water it only when its needed
Good luck
You didn't!

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