Marine Bonsologist
For Air layers, I just use a very sharp knife to make the cuts for the air layer then scrape between the cuts to get beneath the cambium.
Dont get me wrong, Masakuni are excellent tools but they are very expensive compared to other brands.
This is one item where IMO, you dont need to spend the extra money.
Full Disclosure: I have Masakuni tweezers for pulling needles and they too were very expensive but I bought them because they are a softer grip and dont make my hands ache after holding them a long time pulling needles so in this case the extra expense was worth it. I dont use those tweezers for anything else. I have cheaper tweezers that I use to clean the soil and moss off the bark of my trees when I need to. The Masakuni are too expensive to use for those tasks as I dont want to take the chance at damaging them as they are a bout 10x more expensive.
Dont get me wrong, Masakuni are excellent tools but they are very expensive compared to other brands.
This is one item where IMO, you dont need to spend the extra money.
Full Disclosure: I have Masakuni tweezers for pulling needles and they too were very expensive but I bought them because they are a softer grip and dont make my hands ache after holding them a long time pulling needles so in this case the extra expense was worth it. I dont use those tweezers for anything else. I have cheaper tweezers that I use to clean the soil and moss off the bark of my trees when I need to. The Masakuni are too expensive to use for those tasks as I dont want to take the chance at damaging them as they are a bout 10x more expensive.