Lady Bugs are voracious feeders , for which we can be grateful. It is not a new age practice to employ them. Savvy gardeners have noticed their benefit for many decades publicly and I am sure our grandparents generation and those before them deployed them, perhaps for centuries. The thing with using mature ladybugs, is that as they mature their natural instinct is to fly away. There are a few tricks people have used over the years to keep them around for awhile, and even the time of release during the day is pertinent. Unfortunately I cannot specifically remember these tricks as it has been 30 or 40 years since I have had any experience with them, other than the ones that occur naturally. It is true that the larvae, if you can encourage them, are a much better choice. Thing is, many people think bugs are creepy and some like the beloved ladybug are not recognized in larvae form.
And of course we do kill them when we spay insecticides. They don't need to be the target to be decimated.
I applaud all of you who see the benefit of these beautiful little creatures.