Whew! At first I thought you were mad , but as rockm pointed out,(me in a tin foil hat way) that we have had these here forever, didn't dawn on me that you guys din't have them yet. I wasn't kidding, as you drive around New England, you would see trees belted with tin foil, then smeared with vasaline(some just had at em with the vasaline, you can still see the marks in the bark), to keep them from climbing, eating and reproducing in the trees. You see thier tents around if you look for them, they look like spider webs made into tents, all over the tree scape.
I see your point too, especially with the counter attack Cal. did on the med flies, cover up your stuff the choppers are coming to spray. We've also got the Asian Long horn beetles, and adelgigs(sp.?), you'd think the cold and snow would help, but alas our forests in places are looking rather sad.
Unfortunately in the small global world we live in, these things are going to spread. So I guess getting a little mad isn't so bad.
"Just hope those huge rats don't make it down to Fla. to feed the pythons..."
This could make Florida the center of Big snake scary movies. And to think one of the recent "reality" shows is Hogs gone wild.
Bees, bats, beetles, capibara, pythons, Gypsy moths, anyone seen the show When people are gone, makes one think they aren't waiting for us to go.