Guidance needed for developing/styling Chaenomeles 'Toyo Nishiki'

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Hello all,

I'm a beginner who's having trouble envisioning what styling options I might have for a Japanese quince that I bought this winter from a nursery.


My plan had been to remove the pup that's growing off of the main trunk, then remove the two thinner branches from the junction where three branches are emerging from the same point, which would leave the far-right limb as the new leader. However, I just can't visualize where the tree might go from there, like what I could do with the lower branches and their varying thicknesses—or if there are different styling options that might suit this tree better.

Thank you for any ideas you might suggest!

TN stools up, growing in clumps, so I would embrace that quality and develop the tree accordingly, or you’ll end up fighting it forever.

The branches are coarse, so they need to be wired young, or grown largely as clip & grow, with an eye toward a structure that will feature the early spring flowers. That means pruning hard to ensure taper and movement, letting it grow out for several months, then pruning it hard again.

I’d probably start using this area as the front, or a few degrees counter-clockwise so the back sucker is less obscured by the main trunk, putting it a little more to the left of the main trunk. Prune at approximately the blue lines.

Thank you! I appreciate the advice, and I'll use your visual to get started.

And thank you also for the welcome!
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