Squarepants with Conkers
Don’t quote me on the PART of the cactus to use... it was prepared and served to me as prickly cactus/pomegranate leaf tea.Not done the tea. I'll have to try that this year.

Don’t quote me on the PART of the cactus to use... it was prepared and served to me as prickly cactus/pomegranate leaf tea.Not done the tea. I'll have to try that this year.
Fair. Just about every flower of edible fruit in the world is edible, though. Guess I'll look it up.Don’t quote me on the PART of the cactus to use... it was prepared and served to me as prickly cactus/pomegranate leaf tea.
See, I actually read that the Peruvianus have at least 2x the “mescalito” than the Pachanoi. Mushroom John Allen (you probably know who this is) said that normal single dosage for the Pachanoi (San Pedro) is 12” x 3”.. whereas the Peruvianus Single “dose” starts around 6”.. but Echinopsis tends to grow a tad thicker.@HorseloverFat
E. peruvianus only has minor amounts of mescaline, it will often have larger amount of hordenine, anhaline, and other alkaloids, the psychedelic effects of these other mixed alkaloids are not as pleasant as mescaline. Though some of the "numbered hybrids" and named clones do have significant mescaline content.
"I read on the internet" proper dose is a segment of stem as long as your fore arm. That is a lot more than a "little tea".
Echinopsis ( Trichocerus) pachanoi is still the "better" source, second only to Lophophora williamsii
How the cactus is grown makes a difference. Grown "soft" in low, indoors light, frequent water, and generally pampered, results in low alkaloid content. Grown hard, full sun and heat, fairly dry, results in higher alkaloid content. In other words, cacti grown indoors "can't get a fly high".
It’s ok.. guys like you and I seem to KNOW just “what” those psychedelics were “capable of”... if you experience it CORRECTLY... you bring a lot BACK.The good old days, when we could partake and think we were not paying a price.
Try it with a whole nut.Gawd, been years since I have seen Erowid. That site and my stupidity is responsible for me ingesting two tablespoons of nutmeg in warm water. You know, coz Ghandi.
Pro tip, don´t.
Suh-weet!!Our new wildebeest stampede-proof garden fence should be in this Saturday. It was supposed to be done last week during spring break, but we ran into Murphy's Law about a dozen times.
But look! Ginger finally grew!
View attachment 363499
Cool. I have tried several times, but no cigar.Ginger finally grew!