Another round of wire to advance the work done a year ago. The current conifer-like apices will eventually evolve into more rounded and deciduous-like tops. I am hoping to repot it into a bonsai container next year.

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Another round of wire to advance the work done a year ago. The current conifer-like apices will eventually evolve into more rounded and deciduous-like tops. I am hoping to repot it into a bonsai container next year.

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The Mach5 touch! Very nice.
Nice work all over and around the tree. I like that even though it has a preferred front that you've managed well that it has a fascinating tree view all around, all sides. There is interesting character in every view. Mighty fine!
Three weeks ago I leaf cut the entire tree with the help of my new apprentice, Sal from @Tidal Bonsai. At this time all wire applied in early in spring was removed. The leaves were cut off to no more than a quarter of their original size. As expected, it flush out with an abundance of finer growth with smaller leaves all throughout. Some of this new growth will be wired as it hardens off.

The oak today.


Do the cut leaves end up drying out and falling off as the new growth develops?

And, that’s a fabulous flat rootball. Especially for an oak this size. Mighty fine!
Do the cut leaves end up drying out and falling off as the new growth develops?

And, that’s a fabulous flat rootball. Especially for an oak this size. Mighty fine!

Yes in almost all cases. But if you leave say about half the leaf intact, the tree may opt to keep it. However, in order to get the most response from the tree, I cut most of leaf surface off. I believe this is a bit kinder to the tree as the you retain some of their functionality as opposed to completely cutting them off.
Three weeks ago I leaf cut the entire tree with the help of my new apprentice, Sal from @Tidal Bonsai. At this time all wire applied in early in spring was removed. The leaves were cut off to no more than a quarter of their original size. As expected, it flush out with an abundance of finer growth with smaller leaves all throughout. Some of this new growth will be wired as it hardens off.

The oak today.

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Fantastic! That Gray Oak exploded with new growth!!!
Ooopdate how does it do up here in 6 zone.. cbs you share some nuances on watering and environmental care since it’s a more arid oak?
Beautiful tree.
BTW, is this your BC? It is hard to see but I recognize a very similar form and pot.
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