Got gambels?

Did you read about the way Fahrenheit ended-up with his amazing temperature scale?
I read that one day I was wondering 'WTF'?

So, apparently, for the zero he measured the T of a mixture of water, ice and brine...
To start with.
A mixture? What proportions? Which brine? Which concentration for the different salts in the brine? Were there pickles in it? Most importantly: WHY?????????

And for the 100 he measured the T under the armpits of his wife.
Of course.
At what time of the day? Did she just wake up? Did she eat? Did she have the flu or her periods or something?....
Still don't know the variety of oaks, but I'm really starting to like this one. Its like a super out of proportion tree already.


Third flush of growth.20160811_142103.jpg
I can say why the title is "got gambels?" Now. I collected these trees in an area I was not allowed to, I'd post a pic of the area now but it's sad. Charred remains of what I couldn't take with me! So yes, I robbed these trees from nature, but I saved them from the fires.

Those branches were getting quite thick with all this things new growth so I wired them a few weeks back.20160828_073916.jpg
Unfortunately all of the branches are very vigorous except the new trunk line.


I got a nice Gamble Oak from NM. I have seen very nice ones in Southern CO but uncollectable. I do not have any experience but I am looking forward to learn and find many more.GambleOak1.jpg GambleOak2.jpg

I got a nice Gamble Oak from NM. I have seen very nice ones in Southern CO but uncollectable. I do not have any experience but I am looking forward to learn and find many more.View attachment 115326 View attachment 115327
They are very abundant in the jemez, sandia, and Manzano mountains around here. I wish I could figure out what kind of oak this is, probably a hybrid. I've seen some quite gnarly ones that are shrubs, but am far to intimidated to try collecting one yet but I've had great success with collecting trees so far, so I may try one next spring.

Autumn update20161124_065948.jpg 20161124_065957.jpg
It even sent up 2 suckers that I'll separate in spring and have a couple baby oaks :)20161124_070013.jpg
I apologize for the poor photos, lighting in my tree house isn't the best especially at 6:30 in the morning.:(:rolleyes:

Naked and ready for winter.20161204_144116.jpg
Next spring I'll do a gentle repot into a shallow grow box and prune the long branches back within this pic.20161204_144126.jpg
Chopped back, I'm debating whether to repot this year or wait until 2018.View attachment 137447
My 2 cents....if it's still draining decently, I'd wait on the repot...
That's so cool man, we have so many Oaks over here, I haven't tried to mess with one yet....
I'm always glad to see the stuff you're working with, Aaron :D
Keep up the good work!
My 2 cents....if it's still draining decently, I'd wait on the repot...
That's so cool man, we have so many Oaks over here, I haven't tried to mess with one yet....
I'm always glad to see the stuff you're working with, Aaron :D
Keep up the good work!
That's what I was thinking, drains fine still so it's best to let it establish a bit more.
Thanks for the comment. I love my trees, even the odd balls.:rolleyes:

Here is a nice Gamble Oak I hope to collect in the near future. Aaron, did you collect yours all at one time or did you do anything special when collecting?

Here is a nice Gamble Oak I hope to collect in the near future. Aaron, did you collect yours all at one time or did you do anything special when collecting?

View attachment 137540
Very nice movement on that guy.
Nope, nothing special, trenched around the trunk about 8" away until it was free, got it home and barerooted it, and potted it into some recycled soil I had laying around lol

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