Got gambels?


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Albuquerque new mexico
This weekend on my weekly collection trip I came across some gambel oaks I liked. Both have around a 2" trunk and are fairly old (I'm guessing around 30+ years old from the rings) Ive got pretty good confidence they'll live but we shall see. So here they are.20160323_082537.jpg 20160323_082635.jpg

Let me know what you think, thanks.

The one I left with low braches and budds is breaking dormancy, to be honest I'm pretty surprised this one lived it really didn't have very many roots. Now I just have to wait and hope the other makes some budds.

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The curvy one is budding down low, I'm hoping to start seeing buds up higher soon.

Aaron 20160410_080448.jpg
I know oaks can be a little "slutty" and crossbreed a lot, but I'm not sure this is a gambel anymore even though that's the only type that's supposedly in the area it was collected. Any ideas?20160422_075335.jpg
LOL Oaks are indeed "slutty". You really can't key them by the leaves many times. You need to look at the acorn and cap. The other thing is how long it takes the the tree to go from flower to ripe acorn. It might be gamble but you are right it does not look like it at this stage.
Very cool bark man! I don't know how much 2 inch is (but they look bigger :p)
Lmfao didn't even think about the country difference I'm still in a slight haze from Wednesday:D


well being an European myself I have to say that inches, ok, why not.
fractions of inches when you are looking for a wrench? I mean: come on people!
Gals? well 5 is kinda big for a pot...
Fahrenheit, seriously?...
Feet, that's ok, I guess...

In summary I have never been a big fan of Napoleon but kudos on the metric system! :)
Alain said:
i don't want to speak for @Cypress187 but normally for an European 5 gals scale doesn't help to understand 2 inches size :):eek::oops::rolleyes:o_O:mad::(;):)
Cool talk... and stumps too.
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