Getting Ficus and Jade to Fill Out

Summer (hot months) is prime time to work on tropicals, at least in the mid-Atlantic states. That's when they thrive with the heat and humidity. They are growing the strongest at that time.
I think you can prune off the lower branches and the top of the center trunk now and not look back. I tend to agree with you regarding the foliage covering the thickening area of the trunk. You probably wont be showing it, and tropicals dont usually show off their winter silhouettes, so to me, a non-issue. For the visual improvement of the tree in leaf, I think it would be the smartest route to go.
Thanks for the encouragement! I just got up the nerve and pruned the two lower branches. Going to wait on doing the top - baby steps! But I do think that removing the lower branches goes great lengths towards making this look more like a proper tree. I appreciate the feedback and advice, everyone!
Sorry, I did assume you meant dwarf jade (P. afra). I'm afraid I don't have any experience with C. ovata, and have no idea if my advice applies there. As mentioned, it will probably be hard to significantly reduce the leave size of C. ovata.
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