Here's a link to the article that I think they were referencing: http://web.archive.org/web/20120508075122/http://gsbf-bonsai.org/magazines/2010/v33_03.pdf and I posted it here below. However, I didn't find a lot of specific information related to pruning in it though.Earlier in this thread, there's a link to an article that Bob Shimon wrote about redwood care. The website is now under different ownership- no article. Anybody have a copy [from 2010]??
I just did a quick Internet search and found the following page, which does provide some of that more specific pruning info: https://marinbonsai.org/march-2020-bob-shimons-redwood-demonstration/ . This discussion starts with the paragraph that starts with "Bob says one of the most frequent questions he gets is how to fix legginess in redwoods [...]" I included the relevant picture from that article (in case the link gets lost to time) here. The picture shows suggestions on where to cut... (i.e. after "pre-existing lateral growth on a branch that you’re shortening."