Fun with Maples


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Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania
All maple varieties that I am keeping mame or shohin size for further development. Something about shohin and mame
great to have a break from my native conifer and deciduous larger bonsai
Red Maple acer rubrum in Mame SR pot AF6690A1-021B-4FC3-94E6-28D15479155C.jpeg
Meh Amur Maple( cutting back to second branchlet) and Amur Maple Forest in development
Mini Japanese Maple Forest
In a Nao shohin forest tray
Mini Japanese forest in Iker pot
Very nice! I'm surprised you don't have anything in the purple pot. You saving it for the PP?
Very nice! I'm surprised you don't have anything in the purple pot. You saving it for the PP?
I’m saving that pot for a flowering tree like crab apple , Ume or Persimmon… but trust me the pots on my nightstand in the wooden container
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Those are awesome, I too have found myself going the mame/ shohin route. The older I get my back puts up a fight moving stuff around, plus there is something about holding one in the palm of your hand. Still need a @Pitoon pot!
Oh I’m deep into big bonsai but it’s good to have variety
1 big bonsai or 12 little bonsai....the choice is yours! 😁
I choose Both. I’m about to acquire a monster Pitch pine , and I styled a tall literati today. Those persimmon cuttings never took when I tried last year .. so many w next year when I can officially repot it. I’m gonna air layer some crabs or apples and a Ume this year to find a proper suitor for that purple pot .. unless I can find another way.
I choose Both. I’m about to acquire a monster Pitch pine , and I styled a tall literati today. Those persimmon cuttings never took when I tried last year .. so many w next year when I can officially repot it. I’m gonna air layer some crabs or apples and a Ume this year to find a proper suitor for that purple pot .. unless I can find another way.
I'm sure you'll find something suitable for that pot. You considered Kojo no mai?

You going to Nature's Way Open House this Spring? It's going to be a big event it's his 50th anniversary.
This one is budding again and new buds are popping , it got too dry one day and almost lost the top, thankfully there are new leaves coming out. I have it nestled in a bed of pumice so roots are starting to escape down.. which will also aid with growth and foliage development
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