Flowering Peach no 1


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Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania
No. 1 and only Flowering Peach I’ll ever get. The seller sold me this and it was a horrific tree, the top died on it , and the container it was in was killing the tree. I had to do an emergency repot in spring. I chopped down to the next bud in June. I cleaned the chop mid July , and new leader seems to be growing. It shot out all lower branches below , and those were cut back and buds are forming at the ends of those . Don’t think I was supposed to do that but it seems ok. Idk maybe it will grow on me one day.


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Peach are difficult. Flowering peach even more so. They are disease prone. I lost my attempts at peach to peach leaf curl, a fatal disease. They need full sun, and open space around them for good air movement to keep fungal issues down. Good luck.
Thanks, it hasn’t had any disease issues, and it’s shooting new buds when’re I chopped, and oh yes I battled peach leaf curl with my nectarine tree and finally after hitting it with coppper fungicide it was good. It doesn’t like wet feet either and gets full sun. What I the challenging part was the top dying off, I think it needed a chop to restart the tree and so far it’s been ok.
Funny you mention the disease part, just this morning as I did my before work walkthrough… there was tons of sap at the base of the tree I suspect aphids.. I cleaned the sap and soaked the soil in neem oil.
It could also be borers. I have lost my flowering peach (Prunus persica 'spring glory')to them this year... it started by some sap at the base and on some branches when the tree was starting to grow, it ended up with the tree dead by July.
"...it hasn’t had any disease issues..." but thee top died. Unclear on the concept?
"...it hasn’t had any disease issues..." but thee top died. Unclear on the concept?
The top was due to drainage with the soil originally provided when I acquired the tree, after making the chop it shot out new branches and has been recovering fine.. Since making soil/ drainage changes it has been fine until I noticed sap accumulation at the base of the tree his morning august 25th.
It could also be borers. I have lost my flowering peach (Prunus persica 'spring glory')to them this year... it started by some sap at the base and on some branches when the tree was starting to grow, it ended up with the tree dead by July.
Interesting, I do have orchard spray I could treat with
"...it hasn’t had any disease issues..." Unclear on the concept?
When I typed that in on Monday, I was not aware of the sap accumulation at the base of the tree Monday , could it have accumulated in a short amount of time Tuesday to this morning on Wednesday August 25 6:45 am ….I don’t know …what else you want from me lol. The trunk chop was from drainage when initially got the tree, it was in a colander and losing water/ moisture too fast. Once I put it in a more closed container the remaining foliage was ok, in hopes the top would survive, so I made a call to trunk chop the top.
Others have already said that Peach is hard to keep as bonsai or any other way because they are fragile, disease & bug-prone, and short-lived amongst other problems. Enjoy the learning process! The closest you can get is Prunus incisa 'Kojo no mai' which is manageable. There are other pinker types, but you have to see it in bloom to know for sure. Start shopping for the better candidates for better results.
Interesting, I do have orchard spray I could treat with
As far as I can tell, there's a serious chance it happened because I forgot to do the lime sulfur treatment in fall before wintering as a preventive... and there's no more systemic pesticides available locally to me.
It’s gotta be borers … literally chewed a hole through it… question is .. I only have 1 junipers except on my bonsai benches… are the rest of the conifers or deciduous now at risk? Holy shit I checked and saw no tiger signs on anything else. I carved out what they chewed it looked like someone took a dremel … I soaked it in orchard spray and it’s quarantined.


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If you see sap it could also be bacterial infection from a wound. My peach tree got a nasty infection from where I trimmed over winter.
Can’t believe it didn’t die… will be hitting with copper fungicide close to spring … pot is too water retentive so will be using a smaller grow pot with free-we draining soil

Can’t wait to see the flowers!
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