Flowering Peach- good specimen for bonsai?


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Riverside, CA
We will celebrate Vietnamese New Year 2014 in 20 days.
Flowering peach is one of the few flower plants needed to have in the New Year Day.
This tree is one of three I have in my garden.

and this one is in training for bonsai.

I've never seen this peach variety, wonderful double flowers!
Happy New Years day to you.
Thanks for sharing with us...
I think peach is definitely something that could be potentially nice as bonsai. I'm sure yours will make a great bonsai. Below is a picture of one of mine that I've had for a few years. Unfortunately, I've missed its flowering every year (and, clearly, branch development) because up until this autumn it wasn't in the same city as me.

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I have an old orchard peach that I grow. it fruits and is beautiful.
So, you might think to divert it to bonsai! :)

I've never seen this peach variety, wonderful double flowers!
Happy New Years day to you.
Thanks for sharing with us...
Thanks JudyB.
The flowering and fruiting peach varieties have different type of flowering. My neighbor has a fruiting peach which has light pink and single layer flowers. I have another type of flowering peach with the red multilayer flowers. That tree does not have flowers yet. It usually has flower few weeks later than the pink one does.

I think peach is definitely something that could be potentially nice as bonsai. I'm sure yours will make a great bonsai. Below is a picture of one of mine that I've had for a few years. Unfortunately, I've missed its flowering every year (and, clearly, branch development) because up until this autumn it wasn't in the same city as me.

Thank you Daygan. It looks like you have a very nice material.
For me, we can only enjoy the peach when it is in flowering (as wisteria) because its leaves are too big for the bonsai.
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