Ficus burt-davyi from root cutting?


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Fresno, CA
Does anyone know if you can propagate Ficus burt-davyi from root cuttings?
Since no one responded, I assume y'all would like the answer too. According to another club member, he has gotten F. burt-davyi to propagate using root cuttings. Trying it now and will report back.
Since no one responded, I assume y'all would like the answer too. According to another club member, he has gotten F. burt-davyi to propagate using root cuttings. Trying it now and will report back
Sorry I was actually researching before I responded, members of the r/bonsai reddit do also report success with root cuttings!

Might try and ask this member @John P. if he has tried anything with root cuttings not just regular cuttings!
Terribly sorry I couldn't be more help
I have been out of town since Friday morning. The answer is yes, root cuttings work well but they can take awhile. I have had success with stem and root cuttings.
Since no one responded, I assume y'all would like the answer too. According to another club member, he has gotten F. burt-davyi to propagate using root cuttings. Trying it now and will report back.
I just rooted 3 successful cuttings by placing them in moist soil with a humidity dome: 40/40/10 coco peat pearlite, takes about a month or two for you to see new growth. Try cutting them near an internode to give them better odds. A rooting powder or aloe Vera are equally good rooting hormones although mine rooted with neither. I chopped up my ficus burt davyi around Christmas and used cuttings from that plant. It’s helpful if the mother plant is vigorous as well.
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