Favourite tree/s in your neighborhood...

Oak - Quecus rubra - northern red oak
probably over 200 years old - the blue thing is a 55 gallon barrel. (roughly 210 liters capacity for EU members) - truly an ancient specimen for the species.
at the end of the driveway of our farm, near Bangor Michigan.

Bad pic I know....but it's the best I could do without the snipers thinking I'm up to something...
Sweet looking trunks on the Taxus in the center, back of US Supreme Court Building.
There is an awesome Catalpa near the water that I want to get a pic of, but I always get the green light right there....some of you here, may know the one....
It's not a good photo, I know....
I'll try to get a better one next time I get over there....
But its not everyday that I see a Raft style tree in nature, let alone on some commercial property.
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I pass this one everyday, and without fail it gets the creative juices flowing. It just stands out as I travel down the street. It looks to me its been bonsaied... as usual the photo don't really do it the justice it deserves....:mad: (but we all have the same problem)
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