Fall 2017 contest anyone?

Thanks for reminding all of us its time to get those trees photographed and on the net.

Yes soon but we got time!

Contest duration: 6 months
Contest ends: 31-05-2018

Voteing wil be done by hitting the like button

When the contest ends i will open up a voting thread where we can post the results when that time comes i will post an example on how to post the results
Make sure you take some pics from your work allong the way

The date was set to give everyone time to repot the tree if needed
@sorce I will post up a photo of my spruce, the juniper got touched by the icy hand of death! This was a real weird winter, and the juni couldn't hack it.
@sorce I will post up a photo of my spruce, the juniper got touched by the icy hand of death! This was a real weird winter, and the juni couldn't hack it.

I don't believe it is the winter.


Ahh, I'm out. The westringia is kaput and my eremophila is alive but the branches died back and is just shooting from the trunk.
I will post my two Mugos this week, I have to get current photos.
My lilac didn't make it. I'll post a pic later.
I hope to get photos this evening when the sun is lower and the temperatures are not near 90.
I have prepared something but was low on time lately due some things that are going on in life currently ill check in with this later today or tomorow
Im working on it i typed the post already when im vack from work ill post it up !
Sorry for being late!
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