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The photo was of a tree with leafs...on first post. What happened to the foliage?
That first picture was from when I purchased it last year. It came from Florida so got a late start on dormancy, thus. It's waking up late as well. All my other maples have leafed out all ready.
Bury the roots down in the soil. At least two inches deeper than it is now. Reduce that long root on the right by at least half. Even though the trunk goes to one side, you want the roots to be even all around.
Thank you @Adair M. Next year.
That first picture was from when I purchased it last year. It came from Florida so got a late start on dormancy, thus. It's waking up late as well. All my other maples have leafed out all ready.
Ahhh I didn't notice the date posted...makes much more sense.
Thank you for the input. My solution was to cut the bottom off a training pot and wire it to the box. What do you think?

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