Facebook .99 auction find

Erm ... yeah, for .99 I'd take that root base and be pretty happy with the deal. The trunk curvature may be too artificial and lack of taper to much to overcome without a lot of time, although maybe the first branch ... as Sorce says. But for that price - I'd have bought it too!
Not sure where it went but I thought I saw a post somewhere telling me that .99 was the name of the auction site, not the cost of the tree, which of course makes perfect sense. In my defense I may have posted after a holiday party when my critical thinking abilities were a bit dulled. But in clearer light of day I still think this tree has worthwhile characteristics if the price was reasonable. I'd still probably cut it back at least to the first branch and see if I could get budding nearer the base.
A good species, a good start with the roots. If it was mine I would want it bigger, I would plant it in the ground or a wooden box and re-visit it in 3-5 years. That is, if my patience held up that whole time. To each his own though.
:eek:$35:rolleyes:? Hiway robbery! Develop tree from first branch perhaps? Use rest of tree as sacrifice branch. Decent root base and too good to waste on raft style;). Might one suggest putting in bigger growing container?
I would just bought a 10 dollar one from Dallas bonsai, and cranked it over with some wire myself. We live, we learn eh?
I actually quite like the root flare on this one.

That flare in the base and the mostly radial roots is well worth $35 to me....
And I'm a cheap Ass!

Unfortunately....it seems the roots are above the soil for the sale pic!

Get them on a board and screw that Bitch down in spring....cover em up!

This is a killer start.

They say buy trunks....

I say buy Nebari.

No kidding, a trunk you can grow, a good nebari also can be grown, but there's a huge time difference between the 2. Especially if you have a great developed trunk, with crap nebari, you almost have to start from scratch.

That flare in the base and the mostly radial roots is well worth $35 to me....
And I'm a cheap Ass!

Unfortunately....it seems the roots are above the soil for the sale pic!

Get them on a board and screw that Bitch down in spring....cover em up!

This is a killer start.


Advice please.
The root spread is about 4". How big a board? How big a box, and how deep do I bury it?
Thank you
Advice please.
The root spread is about 4". How big a board? How big a box, and how deep do I bury it?
Thank you

My answer would be, go big!

Study here...

And I recently noted how just a little cover helped Mach5 on these...

I wouldn't cut a lot of roots off in year one...
Just splat em out radial, screw it down solid and correct, and let a good year of root growth set your initial flattening...
You may get some tears under....which should heal easy with a lot of roots, but bare, it may abandon them.

Health dependant, cut the roots back harder year 2 or 3.


My answer would be, go big!

Study here...

And I recently noted how just a little cover helped Mach5 on these...

I wouldn't cut a lot of roots off in year one...
Just splat em out radial, screw it down solid and correct, and let a good year of root growth set your initial flattening...
You may get some tears under....which should heal easy with a lot of roots, but bare, it may abandon them.

Health dependant, cut the roots back harder year 2 or 3.



Thanks Score.
So an 8" board and a 12" box about 6" deep sound good to start with?
Merry Christmas!
Bury the roots down in the soil. At least two inches deeper than it is now. Reduce that long root on the right by at least half. Even though the trunk goes to one side, you want the roots to be even all around.
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