eBay bonsai...beeen a while.

Root exposed topiary

Not good bonsai Material*

*I just said that in my ancient old Japanese master voice.

Ill give 40 and put in the garden

big D...out
well, i've only been doing this for 5 years now, so i'm really not experienced enough to render a good opinion, but...

i'll give it two cents. i, too, would pay 40 dollars. if that isn't an option and i had to pay $2000, i would give up on the exposed root style. and i think, and this is not to disparage buxus at all, but i think i'd change it to a 100 year old elm. and cover it with gold dubloons. then i think we'd have a $2000 tree.

just my opinion though.
Just cuz it's 2000$ doesn't mean it will fetch that much, or even close. I, too, could smoke a little crack in the morning and list my shotty tree for that much, but I dont lol. I have bought allot on ebay, and I have had some very nice finds. It's all about the seller
I too, am not a Bonsai Master but if my daughter drew this on paper and said "Daddy... Bonsai!" I would have to say no no no ! But nice try!
Those aren't bonsai. And only a fool would be fooled. So as the saying goes, a fool and his money are soon parted. :rolleyes:

It's a shame and completely annoying. Though what Robbie posted is a cutie and worthy of someone's love and care.

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