Donald Trump.

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Wow I didn't realize that I was such a brain dead purchaser of Bullshit, anti-intellectual, gut level hype. Soooooo ------who should I have voted for???? Who did you vote for????
You need to become proficient with open field sights if you are looking to home defense. A scope is nice but it makes you pretty much blind at close range.
You need to become proficient with open field sights if you are looking to home defense. A scope is nice but it makes you pretty much blind at close range.

Home Defense is strictly Point & Shoot, 7 yards and under, 21 ft for the Democrat Liberals here.....
Hi original post was on this issue was for shooting 200--500 yrds. Unless you are doing target or big game shooting those distances are improved by a low power scope. Fur to the scores I recorded in training I had a Colonial come looking for me in the field in Nam wanting me to become part of his new Army Sniper school. I declined the offer, if I was not ordered to participate, which I was not.
Wow I didn't realize that I was such a brain dead purchaser of Bullshit, anti-intellectual, gut level hype. Soooooo ------who should I have voted for???? Who did you vote for????
You can vote for whatever sketchy choice was offered. HOWEVER you are not required to blindly follow your choice without question or skepticism once whichever piece of shit took office. Make no mistake about it, BOTH candidates were smelly pieces of shit.

Trump was never a gifted businessman. He's always been mostly hot air and attitude and empty headed. Read his ghost written book from the 80's to get a flavor for exactly how big of an empty suit he is.

Second, businessmen are notoriously inept as presidents. The federal government is NOT A BUSINESS. There is no CEO and a CEO expecting to run the government LIKE a business is bound for failure. A CEO with no understanding of the founding father's disdain and distrust of an unchecked executive branch is doubly doomed.
And now he's in a twitter slap fight with Alonzo Ball, another idiot. Soooo Presidential.
I actually don't mind when he's doing this childish stuff, as it means he's not doing something really stupid and dangerous.
What kind of weapon are you shooting? If you are going to shoot over 500 yards you would be better off with a Scope on your weapon. I got pretty good with an M14 at targets of 600 yards but that was unusual.

Thinking about this one, haven't really researched optics too much yet, though I know I'll need some with my eyesight...Screen Shot 2017-11-20 at 9.30.32 AM.png

Don't really see a need for a home defense weapon here but if I did it would probably be a pump shotgun.
Except making more of a mockery of the office of President.
Well, speaking of ships...I think that one has definitely sailed. Still prefer he be doing that instead of thinking of ways to justify nuking someone.
Donald Trump POTUSA, a most Brilliant, Aggressive, Intellectual, Passionate, Compassionate, Business Man, a proven winner throughout his life.......
How fortunate we are to have him at the Helm of our Great Ship...........
Still getting paid by Russia to troll still I see.
How come you and Fudd only show up on these threads.
There are other forums that you can get help for your treed if they're real.
Why don't you go check them out.
Learn something. Stop trying to make yourself look smart. It isnt working.
Prove it. Illegal immigration is way down, businesses are coming back home because much of the regulations have been repealed, the economy is at a high we have not seen since before 9/11, the unemployment rate is coming down, the economy is currently at 4%,---- the highest Obama gave us was less than 1%, we are respected world wide, instead of being laughed at and most of this stuff he has done with executive orders. Because the left controls enough of the congress to hinder his agenda, and the never Trump Rino Republicans he is having problems getting some of his bills through Congress. He has appointed a replacement for Scalia, and is getting some of his appointees through. All of the things happening are the things he said he was going to do.

Wow. You even read the constitution or understand how the EO is being abused "to get most of his stuff done? " Such a staggering number of EOs indicates the guy is pathetic at managing his job and doesn't give a shit about the founding fathers or the Constitution. Both were very wary of "Imperial Presidents" that circumvent the process. That is why they put three branches of government in place--TO BLOCK DIMWITTED bullshit from the other two. Using proclamations to accomplish legislative goals was a cynical dishonest ploy when Obama used them. It remains so as Trump spews them out like parking tickets.

Trump remains one of the most ineffectual presidents (so far) in our history. Again I ask you to list his legislative accomplishments....which are far better measures of presidential talent than EO. Also worth noting that he can't even get EOs right. The initial travel ban EO was a fucking disaster and he hung his then-DHS secretary out to dry with it. I was at the press conference in D.C. when Gen. Kelly had to explain the damn thing. Never seen an honest man sweat that much trying to cover up for his boss's dimwitted fuck up. Trump will throw anyone under the bus, including good people like Kelly (who truly value and understand the sacrifice of serving their country).

Dim witted fuckery is business as usual here now. You're cynical and clueless enough to say that that's usually the case in D.C. Let me tell ya, been working here for almost 30 years now covering the federal government in the media. Seen Reagan, the first Bush, Clinton, George W. and Obama. During all that time, I've never seen such stupidity and outright "fool 'em, fuck 'em and take what we want" attitude toward the public and the public trust. I've also never seen a public so willing to turn a blind eye towards outrageous behavior just so that public can "win" over the other side in bitter silly arguments. This goes for both Republican, Trumpites and Democrats. God help us all.
Or what Bolero?
Will you shoot me down with your superior intellect you think you have.
Like with Elmer I don't think you really got what it takes.
Trees nor smarts.
Prove me wrong.
What new trees did you get this year?
What did you do to the existing ones.
What's your overwintering plans?
No one will ever take you seriously until you do I think.
What new trees did you get this year? ,,,,Several Am. Larch, Several Japanese Maple.
What did you do to the existing ones.,,,,,Re Pot, Prune, Create Penjing.
What's your overwintering plans?,,,,,,,,,,,Into the garage, 30-40 degrees all Winter
I have about 50 Bonsai Tree's in 15 or so Pots, nothing really new to brag about, holding & steady on...
I have put up several posting's of various Bonsai, too bad you missed them...

I could care less what you or others think, other than Vance Wood my Bonsai & Political Hero...
What new trees did you get this year? ,,,,Several Am. Larch, Several Japanese Maple.
What did you do to the existing ones.,,,,,Re Pot, Prune, Create Penjing.
What's your overwintering plans?,,,,,,,,,,,Into the garage, 30-40 degrees all Winter
I have about 50 Bonsai Tree's in 15 or so Pots, nothing really new to brag about, holding & steady on...
I have put up several posting's of various Bonsai, too bad you missed them...

I could care less what you or others think, other than Vance Wood my Bonsai & Political Hero...

"I could care less what you or others think, other than"...someone who always agrees with me

Probably an apt epitaph for America's headstone.
I have put up several posting's of various Bonsai, too bad you missed them...
All four. I haven't missed a thing.
They never seem to grow.
And at least American Elmer posted some of his trees.
I even offered to help if he wants.
I can help you too if you like.
I bet you and he are wishing I went back to using the ignore function right about now though.

How's it go?
Oh yeah.
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I bet you and he are wishing I went back to using the ignore function right about now though.

That's the thing, Mike. They don't wish that. In fact, they live for this kind of stuff. Poking, prodding, provoking, they probably don't even believe half the stuff they write - they just do it to get a reaction. Fortunately I'm not seeing any of their stuff, but you know what...I've seen enough troll posts by now and could probably guess what they are saying, almost word for word.
"They probably don't even believe half the stuff they write - they just do it to get a reaction."

No you have that wrong -- we don't believe any of the stuff you regurgitate.

"And at least American Elmer posted some of his trees.
I even offered to help if he wants.
I can help you too if you like.

You can't even help yourself -- Stuck in a dead end job killing trees and other innocent vegetation. You really need to get a life.
Self delusion completely on display for all to see.

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