Do these trees have potential? (Mugo pine, Birds nest spruce)

Last Spring, I traded the birds nest spruce for a nice pot.
Long story short, Mauro Stemberger is going to do a presentation with the tree next month.
It will be interesting to see where he takes it.

Unfortunately the demo was not recorded.

It was fascinating to watch Mauro work. He explained his processes and what he looks for when designing raw material. Very informative and inspiring.

A big part of designing this tree came down to reducing the visual mess. Two of the three trunks were jinned to help draw the eye up the remaining trunk.

So cool to see new life instilled into what was a ‘reject tree’. Thanks Eric and Victrinia Ridgeway for showering it with love and fertilizer.
I am honored and grateful for this experience.
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Glad to see this. Mauro is actually even better in a workshop than in his demos.

(Not meant to hijack, just accentuate the last post) Monday I observed Mauro at work in a workshop with many trees for six hours. Mauro had chalk talks to emphasize key points, basic design, steps to work a tree, regional wiring tactics etc.


Maura’s straightforward step by step approach really was a hit. That evening he worked on one juniper. His talk track was more random, playing to the audience. Good show, yet not as impactful imho


Afterwards, perhaps the best part was done later when he took a large nursery pine and showed how to do the preliminary work to move the tree into pre bonsai status. The said to waiting for response for another year in the nursery container to style

Finally to keep the tree in the nursery container until just before final refinement…. and gave a number of good reasons to wait putting the tree in a bonsai pot until then.

This advice is counter to many other professionals and hobbyists. I rather like his recommendations.

DSD sends
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