Deck ‘Em.. C’mon... DO IT!

Yeh we've worn the last one out on the cute loving never minding feline.
+ it's on a hardwood floor I don't like getting wet. I put almost 6000 nails in when I installed it.
We have that no kitty double sided sticky tape on a leather love seat,
and my speaker socks. Yeh that's what Acoustat calls called their speaker covers - socks.
Like a door with black cloth covering it ya know. You're right, but when you're not standing there
it's free reign. He's never seen a Christmas tree. I do have a wall anchor in the ceiling over it
so it's not going to tumble when he jungle gyms it. Looking at a Biltmore tree, but hate spending
that kind of $$ if it's gonna get the prelim lights chewed out.
I remember decorating only the TOP half of trees... for dog or toddler reasons.. but that doesn’t apply to climbing species!

Yeh we've worn the last one out on the cute loving never minding feline.
+ it's on a hardwood floor I don't like getting wet. I put almost 6000 nails in when I installed it.
We have that no kitty double sided sticky tape on a leather love seat,
and my speaker socks. Yeh that's what Acoustat calls called their speaker covers - socks.
Like a door with black cloth covering it ya know. You're right, but when you're not standing there
it's free reign. He's never seen a Christmas tree. I do have a wall anchor in the ceiling over it
so it's not going to tumble when he jungle gyms it. Looking at a Biltmore tree, but hate spending
that kind of $$ if it's gonna get the prelim lights chewed out.
When we got new furniture, I sprayed it liberally with the cat spray and it kept her from scratching. We have relented to keeping a quilt on top of the couch, because likes to lay up there and I didn't want her to be sad. She never really bothers the Christmas tree. She likes to sit under it like she's in a jungle, and bats at the low hanging ornaments on occasion. But she's not a kitten, she's 8 now. We did have to give up on tinsel, since she liked to eat it and we've heard stories of cats getting tinsel wound up in their intestines. Ours is terrified of the spray bottle, if I pick it up she runs. You must have a little daredevil!
You must have a little daredevil!
OMG! You have no idea. Our other 2, late cats, never really bothered the tree either.
Cooper has a thing for toilets, watching till you're done, briskly hopping up on the seat/rim
to watch the flush, then if left alone, drinks, toilet water. I actually had to fish him out Monday and rinse
his poor back feet off cause he lost footing on the slick surface and fell in during flush :eek:o_O
You've seen the commercial with the cat snacks, and the cat jumping up to the 2nd floor to catch a snack.
I have an outfielder ⚾ but on hardwood. Poor thing's gonna be sore tomorrow.

Had 3 malamutes at my folks house, one shredded pop cans with its' teeth when it found them for some reason.
My cat chews glass bulbs. I'm hoping he gets shocked when we get a tree that works.

Bonzi Xmas Ball.jpg
Here's Bonzi (bon-zee) back in 2001. Fitting to the thread I hope.
OMG! You have no idea. Our other 2, late cats, never really bothered the tree either.
Cooper has a thing for toilets, watching till you're done, briskly hopping up on the seat/rim
to watch the flush, then if left alone, drinks, toilet water. I actually had to fish him out Monday and rinse
his poor back feet off cause he lost footing on the slick surface and fell in during flush :eek:o_O
You've seen the commercial with the cat snacks, and the cat jumping up to the 2nd floor to catch a snack.
I have an outfielder ⚾ but on hardwood. Poor thing's gonna be sore tomorrow.

Had 3 malamutes at my folks house, one shredded pop cans with its' teeth when it found them for some reason.
My cat chews glass bulbs. I'm hoping he gets shocked when we get a tree that works.

View attachment 340290
Here's Bonzi (bon-zee) back in 2001. Fitting to the thread I hope.
Lol. Guess I'll have to give our cat a pass. The most annoying thing she does is cry mournfully outside our bedroom door early in the morning when she could just walk in. Sometimes I just pick her up and put her on the bed so she will shut up.
Sooo while picking up the turkey so it has time to thaw in the fridge. This topiary Christmas tree. Spoke to me. The foliage and pine cones. So I get it some much needed things. Then pull it from its bag. And realized again why I don't mess with conifer trees. But as for a decoration...not bad. Anyone this?

I just don't understand them. The development of seeing them from point A to point B. Sorry... this had fake branches. But...the growing out to get to a style. Sorry.
...but your artistry and capabilities are top notch in my book.
You bring much good to the art, quite inspiring I say, and will always have my respect and jealousy.
Ok I stink at deciduous and indoor bonsai 🦨
"Celebrations" are important.

When my first child was born, I didn't believe in any god any longer, when my second child was born, I was a hardcore atheist. Yet, the ceremony of Christmas was something nice to share.

To me, it was a message of hope for a better future, peace and fraternity, like I used to believe when I was a teenager, before I found out how religions were tools designed to destroy common sense, critical spirit, any scientific argument.

When I was in my teens, I couldn't imagine that some people would kill other people because of religion. I was very naive. Christians massacred other christians, the protestants and the catholics for centuries. The sunni and the shi'i have vowed to kill each other, and I'm not sure all bhuddists are peaceful people.

"Evangelists", many of them, very popular ones, are proven paedophiles, support a childish, toxic ex-president that is showing anything but what those "evangelists" pretend to promote.

I'll celebrate Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, and no master, no god when the lockdown is eased.
seeing them from point A to point B. Sorry.
So skip point A, get a nice dwarf JWP at point B already. Keep it in the Sun and not soggy.
How easy is that? Easy peasy :) I've had mine 15 years and still don't understand it. Like marriage :)
So skip point A, get a nice dwarf JWP at point B already. Keep it in the Sun and not soggy.
How easy is that? Easy peasy :) I've had mine 15 years and still don't understand it. Like marriage :)
Early on...many warned I would kill many before I figured them out. So there is not wanting to kill a nicer tree. But I see your reasoning. Especially the marriage part. Lol
Early on...many warned I would kill many before I figured them out
and you listened. Lies lies, all lies. Who would ever put such a terrible thought in your head?😄😄
Nobody ever told me that.

Ok I better post a Deck 'em picture. She's just getting started. You won't be able to see the mantle Sunday I bet,
but she got these cool ornaments at Hobby Lobby for $7 ea. Plastic globes, and flickering candle inside, floating flame.
Would be awesome with a bunch on the tree instead of lights except they do use batteries. Plastic but fragile globe.
Cool. Doll houses 2.0!

It looks a little fragile to play with. Don't they get damaged easily?
Nobody here to "play" with it, my son is 27 and our cat is too fat and lazy to jump that high.
Nobody here to "play" with it, my son is 27 and our cat is too fat and lazy to jump that high.
I’d play with it... carefully. :)

Reminds me of a book by Philip K Dick, entitled “The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch” in where, most people are addicted to a hallucinogenic substance, and the company that sells/synthesizes the hallucinogen.. also sells miniature “life”-esque kits... so you take the drugs... then build miniature worlds in which your MIND lives.....

Look closely, Carol.. there’s a little figurine of ME, somewhere in there, enjoying your Holiday Village.

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